9 years ago my first child was born. She was a beautiful and healthy baby girl. It was the beginning of an incredible adventure. Today she is a funny, creative, healthy 9 year old girl. I've been reflecting on how my life has changed and how I have changed, over these last 9 years...maybe you can relate.
I learned that time flies...can it really be 9 years already?
I learned that time moves incredibly s..l..o..w at 2am...please go to sleep
I now have someone who laughs at all of my jokes
I now have someone who makes up the most ridiculous jokes
Overnight our home was filled with the "new baby" smell
Overnight our home was filled with dirty diapers
I now have a full load of colourful laundry...pink, red, orange and yellow
I now clean laundry constantly!
After she was born I had an instant appreciation for my mother
After she was born I had an instant appreciation for all mothers
I learned that my breasts could provide food to a tiny human being
I learned that sometimes our bodies can let us down, and we have to move on
I discovered that I have great patience
I discovered that sometimes patience is not enough
I went on maternity leave and I never went back
I went on maternity and realized raising my child was a full time job
I have embraced my inner child and played on the floor everyday
I have embraced my inner child and nap (from time to time) in the afternoon
I have become a professional narrator of children's books
I have become a professional singer of children's songs
(my audience loves my work)
I always have a small hand to hold
I always have a small head to kiss
I always have a small person to hug
I have learned that life is always changing
I have learned that sometimes I wish things would never change
I discovered, what I always knew, I don't understand grade 3 math
I discovered, what I always knew, I married a man who understands grade 3 math
I am navigating through the physical growth from little girl to young woman
I am navigating through the emotional growth from little girl to young woman
I now attend dance recitals
I now cry at dance recitals
I have discovered that I am a role model
I have discovered that it is hard being a role model
I am learning to take care of my own health
I am learning that my well being directly impacts my child's well being
I now know that being overtired leads to a cranky child
I now know that being hungry leads to a cranky child
I now know to always have a spare snack in my purse
I have uncovered an inner strength that I didn't know existed
I have uncovered that it takes more than one person's inner strength to raise a child...you need help
I can now see that my mother was doing her best
I have embraced motherhood with open arms
I have embraced motherhood with an open heart
Everyday I learn a little more about the sacred life of a mother
I have discovered that baking cookies warms my soul
I have discovered that sharing cookies with my child warms her soul
I am not the person I was 8 years, 364 days ago
My child is not the same person she was 8 years, 365 days ago
We have both grown
We are both learning
We both love
We are 9 years old today!
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Amanda says
Beautiful post Jen! xo
Kylie @ Octavia and Vicky says
It's just amazing how much children change our lives, for the better 🙂