It can be tricky deciding what to gift to a tween girl. Not quite a teenager, yet no longer a "little" girl. Well, we are here to lend a helping hand. Consider this list a gift from the holiday elves. From the craftiest ideas to the most scientific gifts - we have something for everyone in this gift guide for tween girls. Your tween will unwrap a new favorite thing with the help of these gift ideas for tween girls.

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Holiday Gift Guide for Tween Girls
Everything and anything emoji are super hot this year. This super cute heart eye emoji is a favorite on our phones and this emoji pillow is so much fun.
Remember the old instant cameras? Well, the Fujifilm Insta Mini 8 is the new generation of instant camera and it makes the perfect gift for a budding photographer. Plus, what a fabulous design check out the cool colors!
No Harry Potter collection would be complete without the new Harry Potter Illustrated Editions. The illustrations bring the story to life in a whole new way.
My youngest daughter (9 years old) has the AmScope Beginner Microscope and she loves it. A microscope opens up a whole new world for kids to explore.
Get your tween outside with her very own board - skateboard that is. Don't forget to pick up wrist guards and a helmet first.
Here's a super classic craft for the tweens to make. Check out this cool Klutz Friendship Bracelet Making Kit - complete with all the threads you need and tutorials. Your tween will be amazed at how easy it is to make these bracelets.
When I was a tween all I wanted was a Sony Walkman, for kids today it is all about the iPhone/iPod - the music is constantly flowing. Keep your tween's ears safe with well-reviewed OneOdi over-the-ear headphones.
What time is it? Time to get a Swatch watch! Love all the clever designs offered by Swatch - especially the colourful sprinkles model. Which style is perfect for your tween?
Has your kid caught the journal writing bug? Maybe Keri Smith's Wreck This Journal (Color Edition) will spur on a little literary creativity. Don't be afraid to get this journal messy...that's the whole point.
One of the hottest toys for tweens this year, especially with the new Minecraft movie, is the Minecraft Stop-Motion Movie Creator. Bring Minecraft to life with this cool interactive animation set.
Introduce your tween to the art of sewing with an entry-level sewing machine, like Janome's Portable Sewing Machine. From simple crafts to fashion design, who knows what your tween will create?
Dig for gems with Smithsonian's Mega Science Kit creative kit. There are so many great Smithsonian science kits to choose from.
Be sure to check out our other gift guides for kids:
Holiday Gifts for Kids in the Kitchen
Check out all of our fun outdoor gifts for tweens in our gift guide
Looking for more awesome gift guides? Click through and check out the 75+ Gift Ideas for Kids of All Ages being hosted by KC Edventures. There are so many creative and classic gift ideas being shared.
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