We love coming up with new and creative zentangle patterns and designs. We have shared creative zentangle designs for Easter, Halloween and other holiday. During the Christmas season, it is fun to bring the creativity of doodle art into our zentangle Christmas cards. These printable Christmas card designs are a lovely Christmas activity for tweens, teens, and adults too.

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Okay, what is a zentangle? Originally I thought that a zentangle was just doodling…I was wrong. The zentangle method is a trademarked process based on a theory developed by founders Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. You have undoubtedly seen this patterning art form before, it has become incredibly popular. “ZEN” means calm and “TANGLE” means a collection of overlapping patterns. ZENTANGLE is the bringing together of the calm and the pattern. It was originally based on using a 3 ½ inch square of heavy stock paper and a black fine marker and various patterns that turn into a creative piece of art. We didn’t follow the exact Zentangle method, but we had a lot of fun experimenting.
Over the years I've been coming up with different ways to use zentangle patterns and designs in new and creative ways. We've made zentangle Christmas ornaments, zentangle templates for Halloween, and Easter, and more seasonal templates. This time around I wanted to design easy, printable Christmas cards.
Zentangle Christmas Cards
our printable zentangle Christmas stars card
our printable zentangle Santa Claus card
our printable zentangle Christmas ornament card
our printable zentangle Christmas tree card
white cardstock
ultra fine tip black marker, red marker, green marker, blue marker
Okay, let's make some fun doodle Christmas cards! First, you will need to download and print the Christmas cards. We have four different Christmas card options. We have a pile of Christmas ornaments card, a scattering of Christmas stars card, a Santa card, and a large Christmas tree card. Print one option or print them all! Be sure to print them on cardstock. This weight of paper will be perfect for creating sturdy cards and is best for drawing zentangle doodle patterns.
Once the cards are printed, it is time to decide how you will fill the shapes. I had a lot of fun filling each ornament with a single Christmas zentangle pattern. I have a whole post that features my favorite Christmas zentangle patterns if you would like to learn more about each pattern.
Remember the thing I love the most about zentnagle art is how relaxing and meditative drawing the patterns is. So, press play on your favorite Christmas playlist and start doodling. Let your imagination flow. You may want to take inspiration from the patterns I have shared or you may want to come up with something completely unique to you.
Once you have completed the drawings it's up to you if you would like to color in the cards. I decided to leave mine simply with the bits of color in the zentangle designs themselves. But, it might look nice to also color around the shapes.
Then write your message inside the card pop it inside an envelope and head to your nearest mailbox. In my quest to find the perfect Christmas card these zentangle Christmas cards are the perfect opportunity for tweens and teens to make something special for grandparents, friends, and family this holiday season.
These cards would also make a fantastic activity for the classroom or a Christmas party. Print a big pile of cards and have kids fill the cards with their own designs. Kids of all ages will have fun coloring and doodling in these simple cards.
You can also use Christmas zentangle patterns in our printable zentangle gift tags too.
Learn all about how to make zentangle Christmas ornaments
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