It's spring break, it's summer vacation or it's just a regular day of the week and your kids have started to complain about being bored. Parenting a tween has its challenges, but when the "I'm bored" complaints begin it is time to pull out the bored jar ideas for tweens! We've shared plenty of crafts for tweens, but these bored jar activities are packed with all kinds of creative fun!

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Just when you thought that your kids had outgrown this irritating phase, you hear it..."I'm bored."
Despite the fact that your kid is a tween (9-12 years old) the "I'm bored" mantra still persists. Honestly, they would totally play online or watch television all day long...but that's no way to spend summer vacation.
What to do when you're bored, for tweens?
So, put down the devices and bring out the "I'm not bored" jar - filled with bored jar activities for tweens.
I first created a family "I'm Not bored" jar way back in 2011. My kids were 5 and 7 years old and my blog was brand new. At the time, the nagging was too much for me to handle - I needed quick and simple activities to keep my kids entertained. So I created an "I'm Not Bored Jar", filled with crafts and activities to inspire my kids.
This time around the I'm bored jar printables inside the jar are a little more challenging and will totally engage your tween-aged kid. This is the perfect summer project for tweens.
50 I'm Bored Jar Ideas for Tweens
How to make a bored jar?
The first step is to grab a large mason jar. This will be the boredom jar you will use. If you don't have a mason jar, use whatever lidded jar or bag you have.
Print our 50 bored jar activities for tweens - complete with activities and mason jar labels. I love a good label. It helps clearly communicate what the activities are for. We printed ours on card stock so the strips would be a little more durable, but you can totally use whatever printer paper you have on hand. Cut out and tape the label to the top and front of the jar. Alternatively, you could print the label on sticker paper.
Cut the I'm bored activities for tweens into individual strips. Fold them up and place them inside the jar.
The activities inside the bored jar include...
- simple household tasks
- STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and math)
- outdoor activities
- art projects
- craft activities
- creative activities.
I love our jar of boredom busters for tweens because they don't require any special equipment (mostly) and don't cost a lot of money to do. They occupy and inspire kids to get creative in ways that they might not have thought of.
The last step is to place the jar in an easily accessible location - you want the kids to have easy access to the jar.
There are a couple of different ways to use the printable 50 bored jar activities for tweens
- the activities can be used to plan your summer holidays
- pick a different activity for every day of vacation
- keep the activity jar for those moments when the "I'm Bored" whine takes over. Simply hand the I'm Bored Jar over and let your kids pick out an engaging activity to try.
- bring the activity strips on your next road trip (pick out activities that could be done in a car)
- add the I'm Not Bored jar to your school/homeschool classroom
The activities are mostly open-ended activities that kids can tackle on their own. Any activity that has an * on it can be found right here on our site. Here is a sampling of some of our printable I'm Bored Jar Ideas...
- create a scavenger hunt
- transform a cardboard box into a house, car, or whatever you want
- build an awesome fort, inside or outside
- research an insect, animal, planet, or country
- build a bridge that can support a tennis ball
- plan a family movie night, complete with a movie and snack tray
- use a large piece of paper to draw a map of your neighborhood
- create a new language - create a dictionary of terms
- make friendship pins or friendship bracelets
- make an original board game
- write your own fairy tale
- make your own comic book - superheroes, fairies, or whatever you like
These are just a few of the activities you will find in the 50 bored jar activities for tweens free printable. Feel free to add your own ideas to the jar. Write up your ideas on additional strips of paper. You know what kind of activities your kids might like to try.
Not sure what to do when you are bored for tweens. We've got the answer!
Check out these other printable things to do when bored
Print off a set of one of our Would You Rather Questions and have fun playing with your friends - Harry Potter, Superhero, Spring, Silly, Christmas and more!
Or, print off our fairy tale writing prompts and create your own fairy tale story - you can even turn it into a book!
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