Life gets busy. We all know, life gets busy. Sometimes, we don't quite make it through our to-do list. Sometimes the things that are truly important simply never get done.
Every revolution around the sun marks another year since my mother passed away. She has been gone for over 10 years now. Many times I will see grown women walking and chatting with their mother's and it brings a tear to my eye. Thoughts of what could have been. The conversations we could have had. The things we could have done.
With this in mind I thought I would honour my mom by putting together a list of the top 10 things to do with your mom today. Fortunately, I did have a chance to do some of these things with my mom and others on this list I only wish I had.
Take it from me, a mother is a precious person (I know they can be totally annoying sometimes). While life is incredibly busy and overwhelming, please add a few of these items to your to-do list and I guarantee you won't regret it.
10 Things to do with Your Mom Today
A Drive Down Memory Lane - If you can, quite literally take your mom for a drive down memory lane. Head to her childhood home, discover the parks she used to play in, talk about how much the neighbourhood has changed and how it's still the same. If this means taking a big road trip, then set the date and take that road trip. Who doesn't love talking about their oldest memories?
Forgive Her - This one's a little harder for some. Did something happen in your relationship? Is something stopping you from forgiving your mother? Whatever has happened, it can be healed...with help and time. Maybe today is the day you book an appointment with your doctor to chat about your mom. Maybe today is the day you start your journey toward forgiveness.
Ask for Forgiveness - Forgiveness is a powerful emotion. When we forgive, we let go of all the pain and hurt. We free ourselves and others. Are you the one who needs forgiveness? Reach out - in a letter, write an email or arrange a visit. Lift the burden from yourself and ask for forgiveness.
Bookworm - Ask your mom what her favourite book is and why. You might be surprised by the answer you get.
Mother-daughter visit - Arrange a visit with your mom, without your kids tagging along. Bring along some baked goods and sit and chat with your mom. I know this one can be slightly annoying...but, grin and bear it for an hour or two.
Wise Old Owl - Is your mom a wise old owl? Have you ever asked her what she has learned so far in life? What does she still want to learn? She might not reveal the secret of life - but maybe she'll reveal the secret to a making a good pot roast.
Go Deeper - This might not be a conversation that you feel comfortable having...but go deep with your mom. What does she think about life after death. What are her beliefs? What are your beliefs?
Reach Out - Sometimes we forget how important actual human contact is. We chat on the phone, we email and we even visit with one another. The simple contact we share in a hug or holding hands can bring such peace and release all those good endorphins. Reach out and give your mom a hug...a real hug...not one of those "see ya later" kind of hugs...go in for a few more seconds.
Make a Date - When was the last time you went to a movie with your mom? Were you wearing bell bottoms and had pig tails in your hair? What about a concert, the theatre or a public garden? Grab your ever-busy calendar and book a date with your mom.
Write A Letter - So, for some of us our moms aren't around. Maybe they left years ago, maybe you've simply lost touch, maybe she isn't well enough to do all of these things with or maybe she passed away. There is something you can do. Sit down and write her a letter. A letter she will never receive. A letter she'll never read. A letter where you can share whatever you like. When the letter is done - do with it what you like. Throw it in the garbage, burn it or lock it away in a drawer. Share a moment with your mother, even when she isn't there.
Those are a few of my suggestions. The list is really never ending. I know that some of these ideas might seem impossible...but they aren't. I know I said you should do these things "today" and I know you can't. That might be a little too ambitious. You can make a plan, set a date, place a call, reach out and get started. Is there anything else that you would add to this list?
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