My eldest daughter turns 10 tomorrow. That means that 10 years ago I started my new "job" as a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). My question is...where is my "10 years of service" pin?
10 years ago I really thought I would be back at work in 1 year. I planned on spending 12 months with my new daughter, then heading back to the office. Somewhere along the way we started to toy with the idea of me staying home full-time. We balanced the cost of daycare, an additional car and all the back-to-work expenses with my pathetic salary. Then we took into account the side of things we didn't expect...our overwhelming desire to raise our child at home. Yep, I really enjoyed the whole new baby "thing". Do not get me wrong - it was hard. I was tired. I was stressed. But, I was LOVING it.
2 and a half years later we added a second shift to my workload...daughter #2.
Then, there were the 3 years that I was primary caregiver for my mother.
I'm telling you, I had no idea where this job would take me. Really. Time has simply flown by. 10 years gone in the blink of an eye.
Of course, it helps that I've had a fantastic business partner. My husband is a super amazing father. He does the "work outside the house" part that makes all of this possible for our little family (I know when credit is due). In 10 years my husband has helped to design and build multi-million dollar water treatment facilities, managed countless projects, garnered rave reviews...his career has flourished. He got a 10 years of service pin from his work...just sayin'.
So, I sit here writing this post wondering, who will give me my 10 years of service pin? I don't know what I expect. I guess I expect what anyone would like after working hard for 10 years with the same "company" - a little gratitude and recognition.
Then again, when I look across the room and see my funny, clever, beautiful girls I know that they are better than any silly old pin. They are healthy and happy. Job well done mom.
...but I'd still like a pin...just sayin'.