Okay, let's have some fun this Mother's Day. Our Mother's Day would you rather questions are a whole lotta fun...be sure to go and check those out...but if you're looking for something quick, easy, and shareable then our Mother's Day this or that Instagram template and printable are perfect. I love coming up with fun Mother's Day crafts and activities. Be sure to check out all of our free printable games for kids.

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I know that on Mother's Day, I love sharing the love with my friends who are moms. I usually send them a nice text or even a card and flowers. But, I wanted to make something new that I could share with them this year. So, I created these downloadable Mother's Day questions. On Mother's Day, I will be sending all my fellow mamas this set of questions and sharing it on Instagram and having fun sharing our answers.
As for the printable set, they are going to pop perfectly into the card my husband will gift to his mother and I'm sure the kids will have fun answering along with their Grandma. The printable will also be great to share with teachers or other Moms around the neighbourhood.
Mother's Day This or That Instagram Template
our Mother's Day this or that printable
our Mother's Day this or that Instagram template
First up is our Mother's Day this or that Instagram template. This version of the Mother's Day this or that questions is fun to upload to Instagram and share in your stories. Just right-click the image below, save it to your camera roll, or wherever you keep your photos. Then go into Instagram and upload it as a story. Once there you can edit it with your own answers and share it with your friends.
I've tried to include some funny questions - that are up for interpretation and discussion. I'm curious to see how Moms answer some of these...clean up barf or step on Legos?! Disney Princess of Wonder Woman? Solo getaway or girlfriend getaway?!
Don't forget to tag a few of your fave Moms so they can play along. I would super appreciate it if you tagged my Instagram account, so I can see what your answers are!
This version also works in Facebook stories! So, feel free to share it over there too. Be sure to share your answers and then a blank version so your friends can download it and add their responses. A silly little game to play with your fellow Moms…virtually!
Mother's Day This or That Printable
Next up is our printable Mother's Day This or That questions. Start by downloading and then printing the This or That Mother's Day edition. I printed ours on cardstock and popped it inside a frame. And, your kids (and partner) can use a dry erase marker to circle how they think you would answer the questions. This could be a silly way to see just how well your kiddos know you! Wipe it off the answers and someone else takes a turn.
However you choose to use and play with our Mother's Day This or That questions, I hope you have a blast!
Check out all of our awesome Mother's Day ideas
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