This week has been our first official week of summer vacation. So far, so good. We have been spending a lot of time outdoors. I truly find that just stepping outside changes my children's entire way of being. They instantly relax and instantly start too! The other day when we were at the park and I did something that I love to do...I gave my daughter the camera. She had free reign to take pictures of whatever she liked in the park. It is so much fun to watch her wandering around, setting up her shots and snapping away. What a difference digital technology has made in our lives. Here is a selection of some of her shots. I love seeing the world from her perspective.

Yet again, it was a joy to make my way through the incredible posts that were linked up to last week's Outdoor Play Party. I especially enjoyed seeing how folks were creating art outdoors. Check out The Children's Art Group's fun group art project, painting with coloured ice.
I also was totally inspired by Play Create Explore's stunning post where they captured a spider web on paper.
If you were featured this week, go ahead and grab our "Featured at the Outdoor Play Party" button for you site.
How have you been playing outdoors this week? Looking for some inspiration? It's party time! Feel free to link up your outdoor play activities and please grab our button and place it in your site's side bar, or add a link back to our party. We will happily share your post on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. By contributing your post to this linky party you are giving permission for an image and link to your post to be republished if you are featured.
Jessie says
Wow, thank you for featuring both of my activities! We had so much fun doing colored ice painting with our friends, and though I HATE spiders, the capturing their web was so neat. Thanks again!
Kierna C says
Love this & I know exactly what you mean about the holidays, just having the chance to enjoy a cup of coffee (or 3) rather than rushing out to work each morning is what makes the summer holidays so special. I love seeing what children will take photos of & you get a little view of their perspective on the world. Kierna
Jenifer Harrod says
My kids have been playing out in the creek behind us that is dry (the older ones) The other ones have been playing with bikes and with our dogs and they have also been cleaning the yard and cooking on the grill a little witht hier Dad. come see us.
Mama Pea Pod says
Great shots she took! Makes me miss TO!