It's time for another Tinkerlab Creative Challenge! Last time it was all about the egg carton and this time it is all about flowers! We could have dried flowers, painted flowers or even grown flowers, but when I asked my daughter what she wanted to make with flowers she said...a hair band! Done! I love any opportunity to pull out the felt and get sewing. In fact, with this project my daughter figured out how to thread the needle and tie the knot in the thread, by herself. I love the look of pride learning a new task bring across her little face.

What an amazing way to work on hand-eye coordination! I did about 75% of the sewing for this project, but that's okay. I love activities that require both of our attention. Here is what we created.
2. Create a decorative edge for the flower with either the pinking shears or use regular scissor and cut a wavy edge.
3. Roll the felt into a flower shape.
4. Using the needle and thread, secure the flower roll by feeding the thread through the bottom of the flower a few times.
6. Stitch the base of the flower to the leaf and then stitch the leaf and flower to the hair band.
7. Cut a thin strip of felt that is the same length as the hair band.
9. Pop it on your head and enjoy!
MaryAnne K says
This is lovely - I'm really enjoying all of these challenge posts!
Thanks for sharing with Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles, too!
Kimberly Sminkey says
Your daughters hair band turned out just loveley, thanks for sharing at tip toe thru tuesday!
rachelle | tinkerlab says
What a great post, Jen! And I think this is the first challenge project I've come across that includes felt and sewing. Awesome! My almost 4 year old would covet a headband like that and you've got me thinking that maybe we could try this out. How old is your daughter? Thanks so much for being part of Team Creative Challenge!
andie jaye says
awww! what a crafty little girl! it turned out cute and i bet she's so proud of her creation! thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!