In a previous life, before children, I worked as a recruiter. I conducted hundreds of interviews in my time and when I asked the typical question "What's your greatest weakness?" I was always surprised at the number of people who said "I'm a perfectionist." I mean really, how can striving to do the best possible job, at the cost of everything else, really be a weakness? Then I had my youngest daughter, and I have learned what a challenge being a perfectionist can truly be.
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attempts at the "perfect" circle at 2 years of age |
It made for incredibly neat artwork, and we didn't really see anything too strange. It was as she aged that her colouring inside the lines and her need to create perfect shapes became an obsession.
an example of her earliest attempts at colouring age 2 |
When my daughter was around 3 years old she began learning how to write. Her ability to concentrate and focus on a task was amazing. The problem was that for every success she had, there were inevitable failures. My daughter had no ability to cope with failure. One "wrong" move and she was thrown into anger and tears. It felt so strange to be consoling my shattered 3 year old and telling her it was okay and that we could just erase her mistakes. Erasing was never good enough...she would throw things out and start all over again.
learning to write at age 3 |
Truth be told there are still breakdowns. Work is still tossed in the recycling bin. On those days we try and focus on praising her determination. I now understand that her strive to be perfect will always be a challenge for her. My hope is that she can come to appreciate the effort it takes to get to the end product. She will make many mistakes in her life. As she grows she is learning that it it okay to fall down, you can always get right back up and try again.
Today's post is part of Golden Gleam's parenting series We Get It: Support For Difficult Childhood Behaviour. Please hop over and take a look at the other parenting topics being covered in this series. Other topics include; night terrors, self centred, kids who touch everything, anxiety, strong willed and temper tantrums.
Kierna C says
Thanks so much for this post, as a teacher of 3-4 year olds, I always have one or two who are perfectionists. Your comment about avoiding craft activities strucka chord, as I hate to see these children approach the craft table, as I know thay are going to end up totally frustrated. I also agree that it is as much nature as nuture. Looking forward to you hopefull joiing the outdoor play party, Kierna
Mel says
That is so super sad, Kierna! I teach a preschool art class, and absolutely LOVE teaching my occasional perfectionists, because I know that they're the ones who are really thinking about and caring about what they're doing, as opposed to some of my other students who are "happy enough" with everything they do, even if it's carelessly rushing through to just get the project "over with". Are they more of a challenge when they get frustrated or paralyzed by fear of "messing up"? You bet! Do I find myself wishing they would just hurry up and do SOMETHING and stop talking about it? Of course. But at the same time, the pay dirt is when you see them get through something difficult and out the other side feeling like they've made something they can be proud of. It's getting the REST of the class to take their time and care about the outcome that is the REAL challenge!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks Mel, great information.
Jenn O'Reilly says
Look into the book "Ish" by Peter H. Reynolds. It's a wonderful story that has helped my perfectionist daughter tremendously, good luck!
Mel says
That's an AWESOME book! Also: the book "Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltzberg is great for helping break away from realism and toward "ish-ness". 🙂
andie jaye says
some of this sounds familiar to me. how good for your daughter's sake that she has a mom who is attentive and noticed. the way that you're dealing with it sounds quite beneficial to her.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
thanks Andie
Ali says
Thanks so much for sharing this. When my daughter was 2/3 I stopped drawing 'things' for her as drawing sessions became her telling me what to draw. Instead I drew at her level - basic shapes, squiggles and scribbles.... and by doing this she started drawing again. I love your tip about focusing on abstract art.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Abstract art can be so rewarding! Thanks Ali.
JDaniel4's Mom says
My guy has been know to say "I quit" when things are going well. Thank you for this wonderful post.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Amanda @RusticRemnants says
This is absolutely my 4 1/2 year old. She can be so very hard on herself and it pains me to see her be so self critical. We try to do things in funny ways, like coloring with our toes to take some of the focus off being perfect.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
What kid wouldn't want to colour with their toes!? Great idea Amanda.
happyhooligans says
Great post, Rebekah! I've only had one extreme perfectionist in my daycare in all these years. Ironically this child's mother would practically do cartwheels and give him an award anytime he did ANYTHING correctly. It was hi fives if he put on his coat, ridiculous amounts of praise over his artwork, as in: "oh my gosh "billy", are you a professional artist? This is so good, I actually thought a professional artist might have done it". If we did a craft it was "Are you kidding me? You did not make this craft, Jackie must have made this craft, right? You did? You made this? Because it is so amazing, I thought a grown up must have made it". Not even kidding. ALL THE TIME. Was it any wonder the child was such a perfectionist? He was borderline neurotic. So sad.
happyhooligans says
Oh shoot, and somehow, I was thinking this was Rebekah's post, Jen! So pretend that my first sentence says "great post, Jen!!" lol
KitchenCounterChronicles says
No problem...I knew what you meant! Sometimes parents can get a little carried away. Sometimes I catch have to stop myself from expressing my amazement at the things she can do! Thanks for stopping by!
happyhooligans says
Ahhh, now I know why I thought it was Rebekahs: I'm catching up on all the "pin a friend's back" pins, and this was your POST, but pinned to Rebekah's BOARD! Now it all makes sense. I was thinking "How the HECK did I make THAT mistake?" lol
MaryAnne K says
She sounds a lot like one of my kids! And I have a sister who REALLY struggles with perfectionism. I love your advice!