Yesterday I was sitting at the computer, putting the finishing touches on my daily blog post. The girls were eating their breakfast and watching a couple of show on Kids CBC. I sat typing feverishly on the computer. This has become our summer routine.
Most mornings I primp my post, publish my post, share it on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. I then move on to reading my emails and checking in with the different networks I belong to. When all of that is done I head off to explore the internet for great things to share on my Facebook page and Twitter feed throughout the day and week ahead. Oh, and I also make time to check on my other job over at Toronto Mom Now. Time flies.
As I sat at the dining room table yesterday I came to a profound realization. The kids finished their breakfasts and started to argue over - what were they arguing about?! I'm not sure because I was so deeply ensconced in the internet world, I had no idea what was happening in the real world - my world - my daughters' world.
So, yesterday I decided it was time to put up the "Gone Fishing" sign. Time to disconnect for the next week and a half and reconnect with the kids who seem to be growing quicker than the weeds in my garden (those thriving neglected weeds). I closed the laptop and walked away from the computer...the post will wait.
I'll be sharing our end of the summer adventures in a more visual way over on the Kitchen Counter Chronicles Instagram feed and through our Facebook page.
The plan is to take these next 2 weeks to get ready for back to school, recharge, reconnect, get inspired and come back better than ever that first week of September.
So, if you need me we will be fishing, napping, playing cards or whatever else my crazy kids and I decide to do with the last few days of summer.
See you in September.