Now that Christmas is behind us I thought that I could safely share a couple of simple craft projects I made as presents for my daughters this year. Every year I try and make them a few gifts...like the felt Christmas tree ornament I wrote about in December. When I was looking at the list of things they needed this year I decided to tackle the "hair clip" item. This simple craft took me about 15 minutes to make and my girls love them.
You will need

two sheets of felt in complimentary colours
1 plain hair clip (like this one)
a button
3. overlap the two pieces of felt and sew the two pieces of felt together with one or two stitches.
4. sew a button on top of the smallest piece of felt.
6. done.
andie jaye says
these are cute! my mom likes to coordinate her nursing uniforms from head to toe! i bet she'd love something like this!
thanks for linking up to my party!
andie @ crayonfreckles