We are running out of time to get those gifts for Christmas. The little elves must be burning the midnight oil. While they are busy building away, I am busy trying to make my way through the holidays without leaving a HUGE an eco-footprint. How is that even possible? Shopping is the key to a successful and happy holiday...right?
Top 3 Ways to Keep Holiday Shopping Green...and fun
Make a list and a map - knowing what you are looking for and where you are going help
to cut down on frustration, confusion, save time and saves gas...a little planning goes a long way
Bring a bottle of water and a snack - remember how your kids behave when they need a snack? yikes! I know I act like that when I'm hungry and dehydrated too
Bring a buddy - the truth about the holidays is they are all about connecting with others.
so make your shopping trip more enjoyable by inviting along a friend.
think of it as carpooling?! your shopping trip will be much more enjoyable,
for your spirit, if you have a pal along.
Here's my Top 5 Top 6 Eco-Friendly Gifts for this holiday season. What is on your green Christmas list?

I love hot chocolate! Organic, Fair Trade and Kosher what more could you ask for in a hot chocolate? Oh, wait it's delicious too!
Reclaimed Wool Sweater Hand Puppets
I have been in love with these hand puppets ever since I laid eyes on them at the One of Kind Show, in Toronto, last year. Seriously, adorable and beautiful quality.
Tagua Nut Earrings - Decorate the Diva
Tagua nuts are a South American nut that are harvested without harming the tree they are grown from. They are harvested by local people and are considered a safe alternative to traditional elephant ivory. This etsy designer uses simple design and vibrant colours to make beautiful jewelry from this simple material.
Not really sure how this one works...all I know is it looks cool and it runs on water...no batteries! Seems cool to me.
I love a good green book. This book weaves the stories from a grandfather's life through the beautiful garden topiaries. A book about relationships, friendship and love...and don't forget about the glorious green illustrations.
Outdoor Sports Equipment
Anything that helps you and your family get outdoors is green in my books. A popular shop in our city to hit for outdoor "stuff" is Mountain Equipment Coop...what's popular in your 'hood?
I hope you are dreaming of a green Christmas...and I hope these tips help you out! See you back here tomorrow for my contribution to the Creative Christmas Countdown...I'll be dreaming of a white Christmas tomorrow!!
crittersandcrayons says
Thanks for the tips! That book is at our local grocery store and I've been eyeballing it for awhile! I might have to get it now! 🙂