Number 9, Number 9, Number 9. For the last week the Beatles "Revolution Number 9" has been rolling over and over in my mind. How could my youngest daughter be turning 9 years old tomorrow...number 9? It's the last year of single digits in our house. In a way this feels significant and in a way it feels like any other birthday. Nevertheless, I can't let number 9 pass without marking the day and writing out my birthday wishes for my little number 9.
Follow Her Own Path - As a younger sibling it can be hard to follow your own path...I know. My wish is that my daughter will continue to carve out her own path in life. The only thing she needs to follow is her passion.
Keep Dancing - We try and fill our house with music. My wish is that her heart will continue to hear the rhythm and her feet will keep on dancing.
Be Inquisitive - Continue to ask question and pursue answers...a child's mind is filled with so much curiosity and such an incredible capacity to learn...keep asking.
Read - I wish that my daughter's love of reading will carry her on great adventures, lead her to amazing discoveries and aid in her exploration of the world around her.
Breathe - When the pressure starts building, when things start to wind up too tight...don't forget to breathe...stop and breathe.
Play - I haven't found any single better way for children to learn and grow then through play. We all need time for play...especially 9 year!
These are the wishes I have for my little number 9. Who knows what the year ahead will hold for her. As I sit here post my 40th birthday I try and think back to when I was a little number 9. I was such a shy, quiet and studious girl. I hadn't quite figured out how to speak up for myself yet, I hadn't quite found my voice. I look at my daughter and see how she is a true combination of my husband and amazing number 9.
If you enjoyed this post, you might want to read this post the 50 Ways My Life Has Changed in the Last 9 reflections on my eldest daughter's 9th birthday.
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