Here we go this week, back into the blogosphere. This week we are taking a look into the lovely kitchen of the mom behind the blog Hands On As We Grow. Jamie is a super busy mom with 2 boys and she's also a talented cake decorator! The most incredible thing about blogging is how you develop friendships with people you have never met and probably never will meet face-to-face. The support and advice that is shared over the internet is amazing...and Jamie is one of the most inspiring women out there. Read on and see how she is living her life - hands on!
Tell me 3 things about yourself
- I'm a lefty. I love being a lefty. Though I am mostly a righty. Ha. Gross motor activities, I'm a righty (throwing a ball...), but when it comes to fine motors, I use my left (for eating and writing).
- I'm a wedding cake decorator. My husband and I own the local bakery in town (its been in the family for 40some years), he's the baker, I'm the cake decorator and 'back-end' manager.
- I say I'm a runner, but I haven't ran in years. Really, its been many years. But its in my heart.
Are you for, or against, small appliances on the kitchen counter?
I guess I'm against them [eek! didn't know I was so particular!]. I only keep the toaster on the counter. The rest are put away because they're seldomly used.
Name 5 things that are on your counter right now
- Junk. (Its the dumping spot when we walk in the door)
- A paint brush. From an art activity this morning.
- Toys. For some reason there's always one on the counter...
- George's leftover birthday cake.
- Sippy Cups. Lots of them. All the time. How do I tame the sippy cups? [they're on the kitchen island, not shown in that photo.]
What, if anything, would you change about your kitchen counter?
That there would be more of it. I have a huge island, but its not very usable for cooking/baking. And the rest of my counter is very little.
What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
What do you think I do on my counter? hehe. Just kidding.
I love baking with Henry. I really do enjoy including him in it. He gets a kick out of standing on the stool to pour ingredients into the mixer. I love his enthusiasm.
Here's a universal question...having two little boys running around your house, how have you made time for yourself and for your blog?
My husband works at night. He goes to work once the kids go to bed. I then have a couple of hours of complete me time. I also sneak in quite often throughout the day for 5 minutes here and there to 'check in'. Blogging is way too addicting.
I often wonder about this myself...Someday, when your boys are all grown up, how do you hope your boys will see your blog? Will they appreciate the time you spent together or be embarrassed by the adorable photos?
Oh, I hope they'll appreciate it. I'm sure they may be embarrassed as every kid goes through that. I never really thought about it until last week when I posted a picture of Henry having a complete meltdown. My husband mentioned something about how he felt sorry for Henry now... The bad comes with the good I guess. I try to create something that everyone can enjoy, but yet something for our family too - capturing the memories.
Thanks Jamie! I find it amazing how we manage to eek out a little space for ourselves - even in the whirl of day-to-day living. If you have little ones, or kids of any age, check out Hands On As We Grow - a great resource filled with play activities, learning activities and creative crafts.
I'm really excited because tonight I will be getting all dressed up and going to Kickbox for the Cure tonight. Remember my friend Aynsley's story - if you don't then please follow the link to read her story. Tonight is the main event...fashion shows, silent auctions, drinks and Aynsley in the kickboxing ring - kicking cancer to the curb. I can't wait to tell you all about it next week.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Toddler Approved says
Great post! I love your kitchen counter list. It is fun to get a glimpse into life outside of just kids crafts/activities. 🙂 I have a special shelf in my cupboard for the sippies and a big tupperware on another shelf with all of the lids/attachments, etc. It helps a bit... but doesn't totally solve the problem.