"The Complete book of Pickling" by Jennifer MacKenzie. It has everything.
What have you preserved and what are you planning on preserving this year?
I've done lots. You can't make enough salsa and pickles.
Thanks Johnathan! His tip about walking through your garden everyday reminded me of my mom. This was her advice as well. I don't always take the time I need to in my garden. I love growing things, but it takes time and effort. The real problem with my backyard is that it is only accessible through my side door. I can't even see it from any window in my house. I love my house...but this is the one thing we need to change. Someday. For now, I will try and remember that advice..especially if I want to grow those gigantic tomatoes - did you see those onions, peppers and cucumbers - and all the jars filled with deliciousness! Time to get canning!
Have a great weekend everyone!