A couple of years ago I heard someone refer to the first day of school as the beginning of the "new year" and I must say, I agree. There is something about the change in the seasons, the changes in daylight and the changes in traffic that signify the start of something new. Even if you don't have children it is hard to deny the year has changed.
This year my girls are heading into grades 3 and senior kindergarten. Seriously, so hard to believe. Although I love the summer and the freedom it brings - there is something very calming about the routine we are all about to jump into. Early to bed...early to rise. Dinner at a reasonable hour. Cramming our "extra-curricular" activities into evenings and weekends. Hmmm, that last one makes me kinda long for summer again.
The girls are so excited. The new shoes are lined up and ready to go...
The backpacks are packed...
The summer memorabilia is prepped to go to school to show teachers and friends...
New year means new year's resolutions. It is time to crack out the old pen and pencil - list writing time. Resolutions to me are just an opportunity to reflect and on what can be done. Our list of things to do around the house is quickly growing. Not to mention Thanksgiving and Halloween are just around the corner (ahh!). Of course, I also hope to get some more exercise this year...that's a given. But, I have also thought a lot about my contribution to society as a whole. It's time to get back in volunteer mode - maybe take on a new role. And as for my writing - time to spread my wings a little further - whatever that means.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope this year brings you health, happiness and a little peace and quiet!!
PS - Speaking of spreading my writing wings...if you haven't already...take a look at the article I wrote for everythingmom.com. I reflected on the power and importance of playdates, not just for kids, but for moms too.
Wacky Ways says
We are currently in beta. Members are by invitation only. You were invited. You are entitled to be featured in our slider. When you are ready, send me the image, link and link text you want me to use for the slider. We hope you enjoy Mom Blog Society, feel free to start a group, add pics and videos. Also, I've attached the code for your VIP Badge that you can use to put on your blog.
PS. We are sending out invites to some of the top bloggers, they will be joining shortly.
It's our hopes to get our VIP members settled and featured, posting and making groups before we open to public registration.
Happy Blogging,