We often float through life, moving from day to day, oblivious to our aging. Sure there are moments when we feel a little achy and we can't quite recover after a late night like we used to. But, for me at least, I feel pretty much the same as I did when I was a teenager. Until...the day I became friends with Gillian on facebook.
Talk about a slap in the face. I used to babysit Gillian, her brother and sister. Waaaay back when they were about 7, 5 and a baby! Now, it is one thing to see that they have all grown up, have careers, have moved all over the place - it is quite another thing to learn that Gillian is having a baby! What an awakening moment that is! The little monkey I used to watch dance around her house in ballerina outfits is going to be looking for her own babysitter pretty soon. Let's take a look in Gillian's kitchen out on the east coast...and see how she's getting ready for her little bundle of love.
Tell me 3 things about yourself
I'm turning 31 on Sunday (June 5th). My husband (Shane) and I got married last year on August 6th (it hasn't even been a year yet) and I'm 33 weeks along in my pregnancy (we got right down to business - Ha!) I work for Apple Canada in sales.
Are you for, or against, small appliances on the kitchen counter?
I'm for them being on the counter...but it's only because I have counter space to spare. I think it would be different if I had minimal space.
Name 5 things that are on your counter right now
coffee maker, dish rack, lazy susan with a fruit bowl on it, dog treat jar, toaster and the blender
Name one thing that you would change about your kitchen counter
Its' colour and style - I'd LOVE to have a chopping block counter top.
What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
I love that I have enough space to roll out dough, cut cookies, and make tasty/healthy dinners. My counter makes me want to cook!
Bonus Question: How do you think your kitchen counter is going to change after the baby arrives? Has it changed already?
Ha! I don't think my kitchen will be as easy to keep clean/clear as it is now. We want to get a dishwasher eventually for easier and better cleaning of dishes (sanitization too). We will have to re-arrange some cupboards to accommodate bottles, dishes and other various things I'll need at close reach. It hasn't really changed much, except dirty dishes aren't getting cleaned up as quickly as they used to, since I'm too tired by the end of the day to get them done. Shane's been really helpful around the house and picking up the slack when I'm too tired, but I feel bad after a while because he ends up doing everything! Ha! One thing I really like about my kitchen is my blackboard wall! I found a can of blackboard paint at Home Depot, painted 3 coats, bought some chalk and a duster and voila! It's great for writing down the grocery list (and taking a picture with my iPhone - rather than making a paper list) or just reminders, or whatever! I'm sure it'll one day turn into a wall of chalk art!
Oh Gillian, no need to feel guilty about Shane doing "all" of the work around the house...might I remind you...you are growing a human being. Love the chalk board - floor to ceiling is nice! So, how do I feel about this little girl growing up - and me growing up? Pretty good. Becoming a mom is awesome...and I welcome anyone to the wonderous world of momma'hood.
Have a great weekend everyone!
PS - If you are in the Beach this weekend head over to Norway Public School for our Community Day! Jumpy castles, plant sale, games, rides, face painting, silent auction, etc.