Looking out the window today...rain, rain, rain (at least it's not snow...at the moment). April is the perfect time to get garden planning. If you have already cleaned out your garden, as suggested in my previous post, then you are ready to start dreaming of your garden's potential.
Growing a garden is like growing a family. It takes a number of years, but time seems to fly by...so having a plan is your best bet. Just remember that this is a long term project - no need to build, plant and spend all the cash in the first season. Here are 8 tips for planning your way to a beautiful backyard (or front yard, or balcony)
Find some inspiration
Head to your local library, either in person or online, and skim through the gardening book collection. While books from around the world are great for ideas for structural plans (fences, decks, patio, etc) it is always best to choose books from your country or province when looking for plant suggestions. No sense spending time dreaming about plants that will never survive in you local climate. This is also a good time to get to know your hardiness zone...check out this link to find out more about Canadian hardiness zones.
Pencil and paper
An artist you may not be, but making a somewhat accurate sketch of your garden is a valuable tool. Ideally, use a piece of graph paper...or a blank page. Start by drawing the shape of your outdoor space (rectangle, square, circle). Add any plants, trees, structures that already exist. You can mark large trees with a large circle, small plants with small circles, etc. Don't worry if you don't know the exact name of a plant or tree...take a guess and write it down.
What was missing
Once the garden has been cleaned out, and you have drawn your garden sketch, you can see where the holes are in your garden...literally. Now is the time to think about your inspiration...any plant you would LOVE to have in your garden? Time to dream about what you want and see if it can really happen. Is there space in the corner for the rose bush? Is the maple tree going to fit in the front yard? Make a list of plants you want to add. Using a coloured pen, mark on your garden sketch where you think the voids are.
What do you have? Can you split and share?
Looking at those voids, is there anything you currently have that could be split and moved to fill in the space? Sometimes you don't have to spend any money to get big impact in your garden. Splitting hostas, lilies and iris can spread the colour of your garden and give your garden a consistent look. And don't forget to chat with friends and neighbours who are working in their gardens. About ⅓ of the plants in my garden are from friends and neighbours...if it grows well in the garden down the street, it should grow well in yours!
Consider what you eat
Consider growing your own veggies. If you have a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sunlight then you can grow vegetables and herbs. The beauty of herbs is that they can be planted in amongst other plants. Herbs flower and grow quickly, making them an easy plant to add to your garden. While vegetables can take a little more effort, they are well worth the extra work. Especially if you have children. Kids love watching the process of vegetables grow and helping to harvest the crop. Make a list of veggies and herbs you think your family would enjoy.
Speaking of kids...
If you have children, then you know the importance of getting them outdoors. While you may only think of the traditional things for kids to do outdoors (gardening, hockey, soccer)...why not think outside the box. This year I am planning on installing a chalkboard in our backyard. I'm not a huge fan of chalk inside the house..the dust is annoying...but outside, why not!? An outdoor chalkboard is on my garden "to do" list! Think about the bare wall...a perfect spot for a mural? The bare spot in the garden...perfect spot for a sculpture? Give your children a place to be creative outdoors.
Structural work
Is your fence falling down? Do you need a rain barrel? Have the raccoons made a home under your deck? Think about the structural spots that you need to change, alter or fix in your outdoor space. Do these changes need to be made immediately, can they wait? Make a list and prioritize your structural needs and your structural dreams (like my pergola).
Okay, so I left the budget for last. Why? Because, as I said planning a successful garden takes years. Once you have drawn up your plan, found your inspiration and assessed what you need, now you need to look at the projected budget. Determine how much you are willing to pay for this season and make a 2 or 3 or 4 year plan. Gardening costs can add up quickly. Be realistic. If you have no idea what your structural projects will cost, now is the time to get a quote. Better to know the real numbers then to simply assume that your dream garden is unreachable. Wander through your local nursery, or online, and get an idea of the cost of perennials, trees and annuals. Once you see know your budget you are one step closer to heading to the building the outdoor space you desire.
Here is a short list of online resources that can help you through the planning stage
Canadian Gardening Magazine
Veronica Slater presents says
Well done, Jen! Perfect post! I totally agree on consulting neighbours... it works and people love to share. Rainy days are a perfect time to stop and celebrate garden progress, while planning the next step!
Tara D'Oliveira, Realtor says
Hey Jen love the outdoor chalk board idea, what kind do you suggest that can withstand the weather? Ii would be great to see a pic once you've done it. Thanks! Tara