This week I am trying something a little different. I am going to take you into the homes of 3 different women! Why, you ask? These ladies are members of the "Wenches on Wheels" team that will be participating in the Princess Margaret Hospital's Ride to Conquer Cancer this June. This bike ride takes place over two days, with the riders departing from Toronto and crossing the finish line in Niagara Falls...over 200 kms. That's right 200 kms in two days...and yes there are a LOT of hills (sorry ladies). This ride supports the Princess Margaret Hospital which is a cutting edge research hospital in downtown Toronto. So, this week take a little extra time to take a peak into these kitchens and find out what has motivated these women to tackle this monumental task.
Q1: Tell me 3 things about yourself.
Anne: I am a self professed control freak, an avid cyclist and a dedicated mum to two energetic and kooky boys
Lori: I love to garden, there is something about playing in the dirt. I get super excited about my spring bulbs coming up from the earth. So much so that now on the way out the door each morning my kids help me count the new bulbs popping up! Rebirth, I love it! Plus I have a great centre piece in my garden, a grass (though it often gets referred to as a bush) that is amazing to watch grow!
I am a stay-at-home mom with 2 super fun, energetic kids.
I am passionate about the food & ingredients we put in our body. I love to make things from scratch. I get a kick out of tweaking recipes to lessen the sugar/salt content...weird, I know but I get a kick out of trying to make things healthier without anyone realizing!
Joanna: Three things about myself...hmm that's hard. I have a warped sense of humour and can be very sarcastic, I love is my escape, and I think my family rocks! most of the time...I do live with a 13 year old!
Q2: Are you for, or against, small appliances on the kitchen counter?
A: Oh, definitely against. Clutter scares me...again control freak. However, that being said I do have small appliances on my counter...go figure.
L: Against, buy have you seen my counter? My dream would be to have it cleaned off, clear, but that is not the case. I am a pile maker (my husband's beef) and it bugs me too although, I've realized it is hereditary, my mom & younger brother do the same! I can find just about anything in that pile of papers though!
J: Being the anti-Martha Stewart type, I have really not given much thought as to whether or not small appliances belong on the kitchen counter. I say if it works, you go for it!
Q3: Name 5 things that are on your counter right now.
A: the remnants of a 5lb , yes 5lb, chocolate bar won at my son's hockey league raffle, IKEA 3-tier fruit tray, knife block, 4-slice toaster, one-cup coffee maker
L: toaster, penicillin (just getting over strep throat), Vitamin D (can't get enough), butter dish, salt & pepper shakers (homemade by George! best shakers ever, Peugeot hardware inside) oh yah, and that pile of papers - I'll get to it soon...
J: Ok, I happen to be answering this question after a very hectic day and an even more hectic dinner let's pretend it is Tuesday and my cleaners have just left! The 5 things that are on my counter are: my much coveted and longed for Mix Master (in blue), a container holding my utensils made by my dad and given to me the Christmas of our kitchen reno (yes, we were in mid-reno during Christmas), a teapot (I love teapots...must be the English girl in me), a tea canister courtesy of the Tetley Tea company and given to me by my mum who diligently collected UPC codes (she is notorious for this!), and a coffee maker (much needed most mornings) Would post a picture of this lovely counter but alas, it is not Tuesday, it is Thursday and my kitchen looks like a tornado has whipped through it!
Q4: What, if anything, would you change about your kitchen counter?
A: I would like more kitchen counter space.
L: BIGGER, doesn't everyone say that! I would so love an open kitchen with an island time, that's what it will be
J: Nothing!!! Just underwent a reno and am very happy with my kitchen counter. Yes, my kitchen reaches epic proportions of disaster, but hey, I have 3 kids, a dog and a cat, not to mention a husband who thinks he is the next Jamie Oliver and makes more mess than the rest put together! If I stress about the mess I will literally go over the edge! I have learned to do a lot of deep breathing.
Q5: What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
A: Wipe it with a soapy dishcloth to rinse away the pesky germs. Yes, I'm also a germaphobe.
L: Bake, I love baking. I bake staple items, banana bread (my great-grandmother's recipe) and banana spelt muffins (my dear Philly friend, Alexa's recipe). My daughter is my #1 helper.
J: What is my favourite thing to do on my kitchen counter??? Bake...especially now that I have the Mix Master. When I say bake I mean bake in a leisurely manner with good music playing in the background...and no one else around. While I also like baking with the girls I do not enjoy the hurried last minute whipping together of goods for the "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I said you'd bake 5 dozen cookies for the bake sale tomorrow!"
Bonus Question: What has motivated you to participate in the Ride to Conquer Cancer this year?
A: I absolutely love to ride my bike and so doing the ride is a way to do something I love while raising money for a great cause. Also, my sister-in-law is battling cancer and riding makes me feel like I have some CONTROL over her situation by raising money to help her and others like her.
L: My Nan. She is a cancer survivor. Two and a half years ago she was diagnosed, at 86 years of age, with breast cancer. My Nan is a strong woman. She went through a mastectomy and lumpectomy that summer. I am so fortunate to still have a grandmother at 38 years old. We have such great chats weekly. At this time of year we are discussing our bulbs, seeds and our love for Spring. I also wanted to have a goal to help me get back to exercising (it had been a while) and I thought that Anne, Joanna and the rest of the Wenches on Wheels would be a hoot to ride with. Looking forward to good laughs along the way, I'm sure there will be just a few;)
J:Well, the first time I rode was shortly after my father-in-law passed away from cancer. I trained hard but didn't know many people riding, and found the second day to be quite difficult. When I crossed the finish line however, other than relief (my ass was killing!) I felt empowered to have completed such an event; I have never been overly athletic. This year I have the pleasure of riding with 6 lovely ladies! I have taken a different approach to training and have found that I really enjoy it (even if it is 5am). While watching friends and loved ones face this horrible disease has strengthened my resolve to participate in the ride, I really feel that I get so much out of it on a personal level.
Wondering how to donate to this amazing and passionate team of women? Follow this link to the Wenches on Wheels team page. Their team goal is $20,000...and they are getting there, but need more support. It's super easy to follow the link and donate to this worthy cause.
Thanks ladies. Have a great weekend everyone.