This morning is one of those freeze your nose mornings. It is COLD. My daughter and I are going to spend the morning cleaning up after a weekend of much fun...and much neglect of cleaning! Why not bring a little of the outside inside on a day like today?
My daughter loves icicles. We search for them everywhere. There was a spectacular icicle that spanned from the roof to the ground (about 15ft) at our local Loblaws a couple of weeks ago..something was seriously wrong with the drainage system. So, this morning we decided to break a few icicles off and bring them inside. But, as you know they would never survive in our cozy house. We used this to our advantage!
Simply drop those icicles into your houseplants and watch them melt away. A fun way to learn a little science lesson, and get to play with icicles...indoors! Stay warm.
Personal Shopping for Discerning People says
Yes, science, play and a brilliant way to water your plants! Great idea! Have fun indoors, sure it's cold outside!
Warrior of Worship says
Great I can say yes when they want to bring icicles home from the playground!