On my kitchen counter sits an iPod...being charged...for my daughters to use. It is my husbands old iPod, but it will serve them well. The decision to let them have an iPod has been a tough one. I remember the Christmas I got my first "sound system". One of those old one-piece cubes, with dual tape decks, a turntable, an AM/FM tuner and detachable speakers. How exciting was that! The buttons were pink and purple...I LOVED that thing! I think I was around 10 years old. So, why do I feel anxiety about passing an iPod on to my girls? I can only guess that it is because it means they are growing up. My eldest is 7 (almost 8) and my youngest is almost 5. They know how to make their way onto the internet...to the sites we have bookmarked for them. Technology is so evident all around us. I really don't want this to be one quick step away from a cell phone...not happening!
Now on to the fun part...the playlist! What do they want? Not sure. What do we want? A well rounded collection of classic albums/artists with a sprinkling of current artists. Hmmm...I think the iPod playlist will look something like this...

- The Beatles (no brainer)
- The Who
- The White Stripes (they are quite into these guys right now)
- Joel Plaskett
- ABBA (gotta throw them a bone)
- Serena Ryder
- Blur
- Charlatans
- Luna
- a couple of Radio 3 podcasts (they love Grant Lawrence)
We really need to start their musical education off slowly. One step at a time...no need to rush into music they can't understand (The Smiths, The Cure, etc). I'm feeling a lot better about the iPod thing. This really is our opportunity to introduce our girls to music. Music is an essential thing in our house. We don't watch a lot of television...we listen to a LOT of music. What's on your child's iPod??
Seana says
Just none of their uncle Donovan's band until they're much older.
Jen says
Very true Seana! Thanks.
Jenn says
My kids love Franz Ferdinand, Jack Johnson and Dylan has just recently discovered the Black Keys on my ipod! I love it when they get into the music you like as well. Great job on the blog Jen.
Jen says
Thanks Jenn...that's awesome!
Paulina says
I've fallen in love with your blog...it didn't take long!
Jen says
Ah, so sweet...thanks.