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Happy Earth Day everyone! Will you be celebrating today? Today, I thought that instead of posting a whole list host of activities to do on Earth Day I would post something a little simpler. A lovely poem from the book "The Earth is Painted Green - A Garden of Poems About Our Planet" Edited by Barbara Brenner.
Choose a Colour ~ by Jacqueline Sweeney
If I were brown I'd be cattail
or turtle deep burrowed
in mud.
If I were orange
I'd be a newt's belly
If yellow a willow
in Fall
If pink I'd be a flamingo
or salmon
leaping upstream.
If I were blue
I'd be glacier.
If purple a larkspur
in Spring.
If I were silver
I'm sure I'd be river
in liquid surprise.
If I were green
I'd be rainforest,
If green I would help
the world
Happy Earth Day.
Jen says
thanks Maryanne.