It's time yet again to travel to a far away land. This month we are travelling to Austria. We have finally arrived in our last country...for this first year. If you have been following along then you know where we have been and what we have been cooking. Here's a recap...
January - Greece - Spanakopita
March - United Kingdom - Tikka Masala
April - Sweden - Waffles with Blueberries and Whipped Cream
July - Japan - Green Tea Shortbread Cookies
September - French Polynesia - Vanilla Yogurt
October - Mexico - Pan de Morte
November - Brazil - Biscoitos de Maizena
December - Morocco - Moroccan Stew and Couscous
So, when we landed in Austria I was looking forward to making something really special and delicious...sachetorte. Sachertorte is a layered chocolate cake. While I have been baking for years now, it is still pretty easy to make a mistake. With this cake I made a mega mistake. I used unsweetened chocolate, instead of semi-sweet chocolate, for the icing. If you have ever eaten unsweetened chocolate before then you know that is tastes like chalk...chalk icing. It ruined the ENTIRE cake. The recipe I was working from was very basic and truth be told I guess I wasn't paying as close attention as I should have been. Anyhow, here is the proper recipe for Sachertorte. Please, learn from my mistake.
(adapted from AboutAustria.org)
½ cup room temperature butter
¾ cup finely chopped dark chocolate
¾ cup icing sugar
6 eggs
⅓ cup granulated sugar
1 cup flour
apricot marmalade
1 cup chopped semi-sweet chocolate
⅓ cup shortening
1. Melt butter and chocolate in double boiler, over hot water. To create a double boiler - place a metal bowl over a small pot that has about 1" of simmering water inside. The steam from the simmering water will warm the metal bowl and gently melt the chocolate and butter.
2. Once melted, remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
3. Separate the egg yolks and the whites.
4. Add the egg yolks and the powdered sugar to the cooled chocolate, in 3 batches. Mixing to combine.
5. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form...Beat the white sugar into the egg whites.
6. Fold the egg white/sugar mixture and the flour to the chocolate, until a batter forms.
7. Pour the batter into a buttered spring form pan.
8. Bake in a 375F oven for 50 - 60 minutes, until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
9. Once the cake is done, remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before icing.
10. Once cooled, using a serated knife, slice the cake horizontally, into two layers.
11. Open the layers and spread the marmalade inside, replace the layers.
12. Make the icing by melting the chocolate and shortening in a double boiler...Once cooled ice the top and sides of the cake.
13. Slice and enjoy.
This torte looked and smelled delicious. However, the chalky chocolate icing made it almost inedible. We had to eat around the icing. To say the least, I will never make that mistake again. Live and learn.
Now, it's time to see what everyone else has been inspired to make from Austria. Be sure to print off an Austria passport page, filled with interesting facts and information. Our journey around the world is complete for this first year. Fortunately, our group of bloggers have decided to set sail yet again and learn and create dishes inspired by 12 new countries. Starting in March we'll be off to a new country and we hope you will come along. Please stop by our Facebook page or take a look at all the dishes we have created over on our Pinterest Board. Remember, you can always link up your posts and we will happily share them. Check out the other co-host blogs and see what Austrian dishes they have been making.
Adventures In Mommydom, Creative Family Fun, Domestic Goddesque, Glittering Muffins, Here Come The Girls, Juggling with Kids, Kid World Citizen, Kitchen Counter Chronicles, Mermaids' Makings, Montessori Tidbits, Mummymummymum and The Educators' Spin On It
Make sure you are following along...
Leann Warren says
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who messes up on recipes! Our nockerl was a flop too -- from not adding enough berries to not making the meringue stiff enough.
Becky says
Too bad about the frosting! But the cake looks really good (says the dessert LOVER:).