Hi, my name is Jen Farr, thanks so much for stopping by!

If you are anything like me, then your life lands on your kitchen counter. You know those little piles that seem to accumulate on the kitchen counter...despite the constant tidying up we all do. One day I realized those little piles, those items are all small pieces of our lives. About 13 years ago I decided to start sharing everything that lands on our kitchen counter. Our adventures in parenting, crafting, baking, gardening, greening our lives, and more, right here on Kitchen Counter Chronicle. Here's how this all came about...
In what I like to call my "previous life" I studied and worked in the field of mental health. I found the work incredibly challenging and rewarding. However, after my first daughter was born I decided to stay home and make this "mom" thing a full-time gig.
Two daughters and over 19 years later - I am still at it.
In 2006 our lives were rocked when my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. We welcomed my mom into our home and I cared for her through the end of her life. Her battle was far too brief and it left me heartbroken, but thankful for the time we were able to spend together.
I learned a lot about myself, my husband, my parenting skills, and life in general through that experience. In the months following my mom's passing, I searched for an outlet for everything that was swirling around my head - I turned to writing as an outlet.
Over the years I have shared countless craft projects, family-friendly recipes, and the many steps we have taken to live a healthy, eco-friendly lifestyle.
My girls have moved through their tween years and into their teen years and our world has been rocked yet again. Parenting has shifted. Phew!
Ready to get to know me better? I've put together a set of questions and answers that should help you learn some fun facts about who I am and what this blog is all about.
3 things you might not know about me
1. I battle with my hair daily...too curly, too fuzzy, too grey (especially now that I'm 50), too brown, too...daily!
2. My dog George Michael (named after my fave singer) drives me crazy and makes me smile...he's an important member of our family.
3. I love listening to music and going to concerts...I need music playing wherever I am...it feeds my soul. In fact, my husband and I just got matching music not tattoos to mark our 25th wedding anniversary!
3 things that are on my kitchen counter right now
Leftover chili, a glass canister filled with dog treats, and my grandmother's ceramic bowl filled with fresh fruit...oh, and random piles of children's artwork and homework...of course!
Would I like to change anything about my kitchen counter?
I love my kitchen counter...I think if anything I would like to make my kitchen counter larger. There never seems to be enough room (for those random piles of "stuff"). I would love it if we had enough space to pull up a couple of stools and enjoy an afternoon cup of tea.
What is my favourite thing to do on my kitchen counter?
My kitchen counter is made from Carrera marble, so it was built for rolling out pastry and baked goods. There is nothing I love more than baking with my girls in my kitchen. Unless of course, it's making a delicious Sunday night dinner with my husband and my girls. We have such a great time cooking, baking, and hanging out in our little kitchen.
Where You Might Find My Work
Over the years I've shared my work on a number of websites, you might have seen my ideas on;
Rainy Day Mum
reindeer gingerbread cookies
reindeer tic-tac-toe
air dry clay garden gnomes
sugar plum fairy gift tags
beaded garden ornaments
The Educator's Spin On It
10 flowers to grow with kids
Harry Potter inspired garden sign
National Geographic
Trash Talk - Waste Audits Can Empower Kids
Jamie Oliver
9 Twists on Jamie's Breakfast Wraps
9 Twists on Jamie's One Cup Pancakes
9 Twists on Jamie's Omelette Wrap
And here are a few of the brands I've worked with over the years.
So many great partnerships; Annie's Homegrown, KitchenAid, Staples Canada, RBC Avion, Green Works, Hello Fresh, TD Canada, Eat Smart Salads, Ricardo Cuisine. I have partnered as a Netflix Canada Stream Team ambassador and had an ongoing relationship with JamieOliver.com.
I hope my answers gave you a little more insight into who I am. Of course, if you want to know even more about all of us...and what's on our kitchen counter...read the blog, silly.
Thanks for stopping by!
Find out how you can work with me.
You can always contact me directly at kitchencounterchronicle@gmail.com
Make sure you are following along...
MultiTestingMom says
I'm really happy to have found you today while I was searching through B-Inspired Mama's site! I'm following you now and can't wait to read your updates!
Robyn says
I love your blog. We just did frescoes and I found your page of learning about Leonardo. I am not sure if you homeschool, but you should. I love the things you do with your girls. Especially how you expand your reading/learning....
I have bookmarked you!!!
Jen says
Thanks so much Robyn. I don't homeschool...but, sometimes it feels like I do. Glad that you found us!
Steph says
Love your kitchen! (and counter of course ;))
Emily says
I'm really pleased to have discovered your amazing blog through the Outdoor Play linkup. I love your family eco challenge and the crafts. I'm just off to follow your food board on Pinterest, and will be signing up to follow Kitchen Counter Chronicles with interest! You are a great inspiration for a rookie blogger.
Jen says
Emily, thank you so much. Can't wait to check out your site too. Thanks for stopping by.
Ivana @Gift Light Bulbs says
Jen I love your parenting articles.
I just recently happened to come across your blog and I really like it
Tammy says
Hi Jen,
I am so happy to have found your recipe for fruit tray dip. I was in the middle of making it when I realized I didn't have any vanilla extract or plain Greek yogurt. I did however find a tub of Greek yogurt that had vanilla seeds in it. It was wonderful. I will be making it forever after. Thank you so much for your fantastic recipe.
Margarita Trujillo says
Hello Jenn. I am a Spanish teacher and I plan on having students design / decorate calaveras (skeletons) for Día de los Muertos using white pumpkins and permanent markers. How do I remove the wax from the pumpkins? Any and all advice is very appreciated. Thank you