I guess I had better start by saying that I really didn't think I was going to find "bliss"...whatever that might be. As I mentioned last week, over the weekend I attended Blissdom, a social media conference put on by women, for women (mostly) working in the virtual world. This was my first year attending. I went with my friend Kari from ActiveKidsClub. I am still exhausted...there were a lot of sessions and late nights. So, what did I learn?
1. I need to get a style guide (which has nothing to do with decorating my home). I have never used a style guide before, but from the number of hands that were raised in the room, I am one of a few. Off to the bookstore I go.
2. It's good to question what you know, what you don't know and what you believe. Being self aware is important not only as a writer, but as a human being.
3. ROI - Return On Investment. Understand the return you are getting for the work/time you are investing...more great advice for writing and life.
4. Confidence is key. Confidence in your skill and ability. Confidence in your opinion. Confidence in yourself.
5. Mamma Yamma is a PUPPET! Yep, I met her at the CBC Live Opening Night event. I won't tell my kids, if you don't tell yours...but seriously, she's a puppet.
6. When you live a portion of your life "online" it is really important to go "offline" sometimes. It was really amazing to put a voice to the twitter handles I have come to know. I can read your blog, see your 1cm x 1cm picture and tweet along with you all day - but there is something about hearing a voice that changes everything.
7. Canada is full of incredibly impressive women writers, business women and mothers. The panelists were inspiring (even though some of them are not keen on the word). This is something I always knew but it was nice to have further confirmation.
8. It's not always all about the numbers. If you write a blog then you know that sometimes the "numbers" can drive you a little crazy. The post you think is incredible is only read by a handful of people, while the post that took 2 minutes to throw together is a phenomenon! As difficult as it may be, it's important to keep those number in perspective (that's a hard one).
As I sit back with my cup of tea, reflecting and reading over my handwritten notes, I realize that this conference wasn't just about social media. This conference was about connections...creating connections and sharing knowledge. Perhaps it really was about finding a little bit of bliss?
Wendy says
Great read, Jen. I think I may have learned something had I gone to this conference too, but I much prefer your 'cliffnotes'.
Rebecca says
I love these take aways!! The connections were a huge part for me too - But I wish I could meet everyone in that short time frame (in fairness, I left at noon on Saturday...) 😉
KitchenCounterChronicles says
thanks ladies. Cliffnotes are often the way to go...in my experience.
Sharon says
I'm old school and write all my notes by hand too 🙂 Sounds like you walked away with a lot. Good lesson on perspective (and yes, it's hard)
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks Sharon.
Mel Gallant says
Yes confidence. I liked @SharonDV's post about surrounding yourself with spanx aka people who will support you and help you keep your confidence going as you pursue your goals. Good stuff.
Karen says
Oh, the bliss for me was absolutely the connections. I get that. Totally.
To see someone, know their face and twitter handle and want to run up and hug them is such a genuinely fun and uplifting experience. To talk in person as if you've been doing so all along is a sign of true connectedness. (My red squiggly says that isn't a word and I'm totally ignoring it.)
I'm glad I got to meet a fellow Chronicler, too!