As you might be aware, things accumulate on my kitchen counter. While I try hard to sort through these piles of paper...they seem to always be present. They taunt me. They disappear and then reappear. The thing is that the piles usually contain important information. Just like the gossip columns, somewhere inside there is a grain of truth...somewhere in my pile is something important. I finally got to one of these important items last week.
I had written down, on a scrap of paper, the name of a blog I had stumbled across that was doing a charity event for bloggers. The event involved three things I am passionate about; mental health, gardening and women's issues. Sign me up.
Bloggers Give Back is a group of bloggers who are working together to transform a garden for a charity in Toronto. What charity and what garden you ask...the George Herman House. The George Herman House (GHH) offers supportive housing, with a holistic philosophy, to women living with mental and emotional health issues. The holistic approach takes into consideration nutrition, education, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual. GHH has helped thousands of women in the over 30 years it has existed.
The George Herman House is looking to recreate and reinvigorate their outdoor living space. The team of bloggers is being led by the trusty Frank Ferragine and Beth Edney, a landscape designer with Teamscape. A project like this cannot happen without sponsors like IKEA, Mastermind Toys, Tonic Living and Bona Vista.
IKEA has generously donated a set of outdoor furniture to the project. The furniture is lovely, and will be made even lovelier because Tonic Living has offered to upholster bench cushions and throw cushions! We need your input! Follow this link and check out the outdoor fabric options being considered. Provide your input by May 11th (that's tomorrow). As a bonus to my readers Tonic Living is offering a 10% discount on anything, no minimum, until the end of the year! Simply enter the code BLOGGERS. How awesome is that!
So, clean up that pile of papers on your kitchen counter...and please follow along at Bloggers Give Back and watch this fantastic project unfold. I will of course be posting as we go along! If you are interested in becoming involved or making a product, or cash, donation please head to the Donation page to find out further information.
We started our meatless week...last night dinner was Portuguese Carrot Salad with Spicy Baked Chick Peas & Quinoa. The recipes came from No Take Out, a daily email I receive with simple and fast recipes. I had to switch the plating up for my youngest daughter, she's not keen on mixing foods up at this point. However, my eldest daughter enjoyed the entire meal, along with my husband and I. What's on the menu tonight? I'm heading over to Vegetarian Times to find inspiration.
cristi says
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for linking to Do Good Thirsday!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
No problem Cristi...what a great Linkup idea!