You may remember a little while back I mentioned that I had hooked up with a group of my fellow bloggers to renovate a backyard garden at the George Herman House. The project is called Bloggers Give Back and this week we got this rolling with a major garden clean up.
What I really want to share with you is the importance of putting yourself out "there" and volunteering. As a stay-at-home mom I spend a lot of time on my own, consumed by the same little people day in and day out. Sometimes, as moms, we forget who we once were and who we want to be. I know this happens to working moms too...busy with work and busy with kids - no time for other parts of your life. In my previous life (pre-kids) I worked as a case manager with a mental health organization. I loved my job, the challenges, the people and the clients. At times I miss being at work and then I can't imagine not being at home. So, when the opportunity to help out women living with mental health issues came up combined with blogging - I signed up. The key to a successful volunteer position is connecting with something you have a passion for.
In this crazy cyber-world you can actually know people without ever meeting them face-to-face. I had never met any of these people before...but I had a pretty good feeling that we would get along. Clean up day started with my arriving on the street, freshly baked banana bread in hand, where the George Herman House is located...without the address. I forgot to write it down! Thankfully I spotted a group of ladies who looked like my fellow bloggers and followed.
Sure enough, I was right! After our quick introductions it was pretty clear that we had our work cut out for us. We had to turn a neglected space into a functional space - complete with furniture - in 1 day.
With the help of gardening clippers, rakes and brute force we cleaned and trimmed. All the while we were entertained by the little boys who had come along with their moms for the outing. How wonderful it was to stop everything to investigate the worms we found!
With the help of the Home Depot Foundation's donations we added some healthy greenery to the yard. IKEA's generosity provided the much needed stylish furnishings. While Tonic Living, with the assistance of readers opinions, added the fresh colour and comfort.
Check out my fellow bloggers sites to see more pictures and more stories from the day...Rambling Renovators, Monster Mum, Wicked & Weird and Little House Blog. While you're at it have a look at the other ladies who helped create this oasis Sara, Vanessa, and Melanie.
The best part is that this is only the beginning. This fall Frank Ferragine steps in with his design vision and a full makeover will take place. It really pays to take a chance, to raise your hand, to volunteer. I connected with a wonderful group of enthusiastic women. I encourage you to take some time to volunteer for a cause that resonates with you. The rewards are amazing.
The work here is not done...if you are interested in helping out with Bloggers Give Back give Lindsay a shout, she'd love to hear from you.