If you have never witnessed the Monarch butterfly migration from Toronto then let me try and explain. Imagine being down at the beach and noticing one lovely orange and black butterfly flitting by. This might excite you, and you might say "Hey, look a butterfly!" Now imagine that you notice a second butterfly, a third, a fourth...50...100 orange and black butterflies sailing along in the breeze. This is the Monarch migration. It is stunning. In fact you can read and see what I mean in the post my friend Kari has written on her site ActiveKidsClub.com. The photos are stunning.

2 pennies
6. turn the butterfly over and tape one penny on the top of each wing (near the "head")...the pennies must be parallel
LeeanneA / KMullally says
Oh I always made these with my Girl Guide units - so fun!
Terri says
Fun! I'm going to have to try this with my girls... they'll love it!!
Lori says
This is so awesome and a wonderful learning activity!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks so much ladies..it really is a fun and educational craft...which are the best kind. Thanks for stopping by!
Melissa Taylor says
great idea!
Mummy...Mummy.....MUM!! says
That is brilliant! I love it. I will definitely try it with my 3! Thank you so much for linking up with Science Sparks.
Emma @sciencesparks
Gina (aka East Coast Mommy) says