As I sit and write this post, our (almost) 4 month old puppy is laying on the couch beside me. Oh my, how life has changed since he, Arthur, entered our lives. How we ended up with a puppy is a long story, let's just say that it started with me suggesting we get a fish. Yes, from pet fish to pet dog...yikes! When I was a kid I grew up with pets; dog, cat, bird, fish and hamsters. Sometimes it felt like I lived in a zoo. So, when we had kids we knew that at some point we wanted to get a pet. It took a while, but we finally felt that we were ready.
It has amazed me to see how this little puppy has changed our day to day lives. I have seen my girls show great patience...patience I didn't know that they had. When Arthur first arrived he was having some behavioural difficulties and we had to send him to the breeder, for 3 weeks. I was so impressed with how my girls handled the separation from their new pup.
I know what I have observed in my children, but I thought that I would check in with my girls and see how they think things have changed since Arthur arrived.
Was getting a puppy what you thought it would be?
C: (6 year old) No, it took a long time! First the litter had to be born, then we had to wait for our puppy to be old enough to come home with us. Then when he came here, he was scared and so he had to go back to his family. And then he finally came home to us.
M: (9 year old) No, because I thought the dog would be friendly right away.
What have you learned about puppies?
C: I learned that you can't pick them up all the time.
M: I learned that puppies aren't all cuddly, in the beginning. And, that puppies want to play!
What did you learn about yourself?
C: That I have to be patient.
M: I have learned that I want to cuddle all the time and pick up the dog all the time and I really can't...he wants to play.
Was it worth the wait and all the hard work?
C: Yes, it took a long time to get to today...but I love Arthur.
M: Yes! Because I love Arthur!
I love how insightful this whole experience has made my girls. They are so right. This puppy has taken a lot of time and effort. Kids might think that getting a puppy is going to be super easy - but it's not super easy. I remember one night in the beginning my eldest daughter coming to my husband in tears saying "I just want him to cuddle in my lap." She was heartbroken that he was such a ball of endless energy. The best part is that the girls and my husband and I have done the hard work and now we have a puppy who love to cuddle. So, I guess it's okay if he sleeps on the couch...sometimes.
Today's post is part of the Children Loving Animal Blog Hop. October 4th is World Animal Day and a great group of bloggers and I are celebrating by sharing our animal related posts. To find out all the details please pop over to AngeliqueFelix.com where you will find out everything you need to know.
You can also have a read of the other posts in the series...
Angelique Felix says
A big compliment for you for having the courage of taking an animal in your home!
Thank you for the lovely article and your participation @ the worldanimalday bloghop!
Penny says
What a lovely post. I love how you asked your children what they had learnt. They probably didn't realise they had learnt anything until you asked them. I love how questions can create that awareness. Will share shortly!
Kat - Creative Playhouse and My-ology says
Aww what a lovely post... makes me want to get a dog again. 🙂