So, I was totally inspired by my yarn bombing post, to pick up a crochet hook and get to work. I have always admired people who can knit and crochet. The things they create are beautiful. My mother used to knit. One year she knit my Cabbage Patch doll a winter outfit, complete with mittens on strings. She also knit my entire family matching sweaters! However, in time her wrists hurt too much, carpal tunnel, to carry on. Fortunately, she kept her handy, 1970's, knitting needle holder...and when I looked inside this weekend I found crochet needles too!
But, how do you crochet? I have no clue! In this day and age you can really learn anything...thanks to YouTube. I went to the Twilight Taggers' blog and they referred me to this crochet basics video. At this point I am really just wanting to learn how to start, make a row of stitches, make a second row of stitches and end. While the video was teaching the viewer how to make a dishcloth, I opted to cut it short and make a bracelet - why not?
Here's what you need
yarn (worsted weight, which is a medium-weight wool)
crochet needle
1. follow the video to learn how to make your stitches (why reinvent the wheel, the video is great)
2. once you have 4 rows completed, end your piece (as per the video)
3. now you have a small strip of crocheted material, wrap it around your wrist and determine if it is long enough to fit around your wrist...if not, measure the difference
4. choose a button, and stitch it onto one end of your bracelet
5. single knot 3 pieces of yarn together at one end
6. braid the 3 pieces together...knot the other end at double the distance you require to make the bracelet fit around your wrist
7. stitch the braid in place, creating a loop for the button
8. try on your bracelet
This is one of those experimental projects. Your bracelet may be longer, shorter, wider, narrower - doesn't really matter. The point is to pick up a needle and give it a try. The best part is, I will always have the first piece of crochet work I ever did! I think I may have caught the bug...I'll have to hit the craft store to pick you some interesting wool...or maybe leather...or ribbon...or strips of jersey...or strips of newspaper...the list goes on and on. What are you working on?
Chapter Forty says
I love the colours in your bracelet. I am just learning to crochet too, thanks to You Tube and have made 3 beanies and some little flowers for hair ties.
If you search You tube for a particular stitch like a double half crochet there are some really helpful basic movies just for that stitch, which I have found really useful to get the basics.
Twilight Taggers says
Yay! That's a wonderful start. There are hundreds of learn to crochet vids on youtube. Just a matter of finding out which ones works for you.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks for the tips and the encouragement ladies! I'm making my way through Youtube videos. Thanks for stopping by.