We have made many types of homemade bird feeders over the years. We've hollowed out gourds, mini pumpkins and shared many other ways to make a simple bird feeder. What we haven't shared is how to transform an old milk carton into a bird feeder. And, what about a bird feeder that looks just like your house? Now, that's a fun idea!
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The other day I was looking through an old photo album and I came across pictures of a birdhouse I made many, many years ago. It was a big birdhouse that looked like my, then boyfriend - now husband's, house. It was a birthday gift for my mother-in-law. Total blast from the past that planted a seed in my head.
What if we made a simple milk carton bird feeder that looked just like the house we live in. Much easier than constructing it from wood and perfect for kids to make.
DIY Bird Feeder - Milk Carton Bird Feeder
empty milk cartons or juice cartons
acrylic paints - the colours of your house
craft sticks
craft knife
glue gun
garden twine
water-based sealant - we use Modge Podge matte finish
birdseed for wild birds that are native to where you live
Begin with your inspiration. We took inspiration from our own house. We have an attached garage, which is why we decided to add the smaller milk carton to the side of the house. Personalize your creation as much as you like. Is there a building in your neighbourhood that you like? Make it. Do you live in an apartment building? Make your apartment building!
We wanted to add a perch to our birdfeeder, so we added the craft sticks as a perch and they are our front lawn and driveway. This was so much fun to design.
Now you need to test the surface of your carton. Add a little paint to the scraps you removed. Some cartons have a very waxy surface and will have a harder time accepting the paint. If your carton is very waxy you can lightly sand the surface. This extra little step is going to make a big difference in your birdfeeder. Our cartons were okay and we were ready to paint. When painting the main surfaces. Our house is brick red and a black roof. Let the paint dry. A note about the paint, be sure you're using water-based paint. You don't want to use anything that might be toxic to the birds.
We added a grassy edge along the bottom of our house. To make the flowers, dip the end of your paintbrush into the paint and then dot it onto the grass.
Okay, I hope you have so much fun creating and building your milk carton bird feeders! Please come and share your project on Instagram, tag me @kitchencounterchronicles
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