It's that time again. A few days out from a major holiday...time to kick things into a slightly higher gear (high gear is reserved for the day of). What's on the "to-do" list today? We'll be baking up some cookies, planning the Easter dinner menu, planning the appetizer we'll be bringing to another Easter dinner, cleaning (with Green Works products) and running some errands for the Easter Bunny. Phew! I am tired already.
Today I'm going to reveal my holiday dinner planning secret. For every holiday dinner we host I create a document and plug in the "to do" list. I save this ongoing document and then every year I go back to the same document, simply updating it. Here is the document...
Holiday Dinner to Do List
The categories never change, only the items on the list. I know this list looks pretty small, but once it is filled up with all the details it gets pretty BIG. This ongoing list keeps all my information in one place. I just add the details and print it off. "House Preparations" is where I include things like getting the chairs from the basement, borrowing a table from my sister or hang artwork in the living room. All those things that need to be done around the house. "Decorations" might include purchasing flowers, clean up the garden or make crafts. Most importantly, the "Grocery List" is where every detail of the dinner goes. I can take this list to the grocery store - I never (rarely) miss an item at the grocery store. This document is then hung in my kitchen on the day of the big event so I know exactly what I need to do. Sometimes something so simple can really make a massive difference.
How do you menu plan for a big family dinner? Will you be hosting an event this weekend?