I love a good bird feeder craft project. We have shared a few different types of bird feeders that are easy enough to make with the kids. I especially love our birdseed ornament bird feeder and our milk carton bird house. This time around I wanted to dig into the recycling bin. We are sharing how to make an egg carton bird feeder. How fun is that?!

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This is a creative bird craft for kids of all ages to make. My mom was a gardener and a bird lover - I think the two go hand in hand. And, she passed the passion down to me and I've passed it along to my daughters. Making a backyard bird feeder is a simple way to support the birds (and squirrels) where you live.
For this DIY bird feeder, you only need a few items, and in no time you can hang this in your tree and wait to see who comes to visit.
Egg Carton Bird Feeder Craft
cardboard egg carton
acrylic paints
hole punch
Birdseed - see my note below about birdseed
Okay, make sure you're working with a clean egg carton - no stains or mold. We used a cardboard egg carton because the plastic cartons have sharp edges that could cut birds' feet. The first step is to cut the top lid off the egg carton. Once the lid is off, cut the carton in half - down to 6 cups. You could make two egg carton bird feeders with one egg carton. The half-size gives the bird feeder a good balance. If you use the entire egg carton it may sag or snap in the middle.
Now it is time to get artistic. Flip the egg carton over and paint the egg carton. We opted for greens and blues. There is no need to paint inside because that's where the birdseed is going. The paint doesn't serve any purpose beyond making the egg carton look nice and giving you a creative outlet. You can skip the paint if you like.
When the egg carton has dried it is time to poke or punch holes in the four corners of the bird feeder for the twine to slide through.
Cut two lengths of twine that are about 1 foot long. Feed the twine in one hole at the end and feed it around the outside of the end of the bird feeder and then back inside the hole on the other corner. Knot the twine and bring the knot to the middle. Repeat at the other end of the bird feeder. The two separate lengths of string mean the bird feeder will be well-balanced and will be strong.
What birdseed to use in my bird feeder?
This is a common question and the answer is that it depends on where you live and what type of birds you'd like to attract to your feeder. First, it's important to find a good quality bird seed. And, make sure it is for an outdoor bird feeder - not indoor tropical birds, etc. Then it's deciding which birds you'd like to have visit your feeder. I like a multi-mix of seeds. Read the label on the seed bag and you will find everything you need to know.
Where to hang a DIY egg carton bird feeder?
Now it's time to take the bird feed out to the tree and hang it up. Find a spot where the birds can find the feeder, but that isn't too easily accessible by squirrels. In the end, the most important part about making a DIY bird feeder is having patience. You will need to wait and see which birds find your feeder.
Our feeder fed some sparrows for a few days and then the rain came and I didn't bring it inside...it is made from cardboard after all. The next day I found a happy squirrel nibbling on the end of the birdseed and I was able to compost the bird feeder. I kept the string so I could reuse it for another one.
Where will you hang your egg carton bird feeder?
Check out our collection of fun bird feeders you can make at home.
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