make a corn husk doll
paint a pumpkin
go for a bike ride...before the snow starts to fall
make a nature family
bake pumpkin muffins, a pumpkin pie, pumpkin loaf
fly a kite
create a garland from fallen leaves
run through a corn maze
visit a pumpkin patch
take a fall hike and enjoy the colours of fall
make apple sauce, an apple pie, candy apples
watch or play a football game
create a pinecone craft
cuddle up under a blanket with a good book
rake the leaves
donate to a local food bank's Thanksgiving Day food drive
build a scarecrow
collect and paint fallen leaves
jump in a pile of leaves
make a batch of pumpkin pie play dough
create creatures from acorns
roast pumpkin seeds
go on a fall scavenger hunt...searching for as many different types of leaves as you can find