It's time for another Would You Rather Game for the kids. Yep, we have created many, many Would You Rather games over the years and somehow I'm always asked about new editions. So, if you have been looking for a fall themed Would You Rather game to play with the kids - look no further.

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Fall is such a gorgeous time of the year. The leaves are changing colour. The farmers' market is bursting with delicious produce. The sweaters are on. The entire world seems to be steeped in pumpkin spice. We are dreaming about our big, family Thanksgiving gathering. So, it seemed logical that fall deserves its very own game. After all, we made a spring themed Would You Rather Game. Which has brought us to brainstorm a big list of hilarious would you rather questions for the kids that revolve around pumpkins, apples, corn mazes and all things autumn. So, let's have some fun!

Would You Rather Fall Questions for Kids
our Fall Would You Rather Questions
printer paper or cardstock
If you are wondering, what the hay (bale of hay?) is a would you rather game? Let me help you out. Our would you rather games are filled with funny, silly and sometimes thoughtful questions. Each question asked has two possible options for the answer - would you rather A or would you rather B?
The fun comes in when you have to defend your answer. Why did you choose A or B?
The first thing is first - print the free Would You Rather Fall questions. Once you've printed out the questions, cut out the questions and start a conversation with your kids, your friends and your family. The fall edition focuses on all the fun families like to do in the autumn.
Kids LOVE this game. It is so simple and yet it is so much fun. Our fall game includes would you rather questions for families, like...
- would you rather clean out 12 pumpkins or peel 12 apples?
- would you rather eat candy corn for lunch for a month or eat real corn for lunch for a month?
- would you rather have a cob of corn for a nose or pumpkins for ears?
Silly and fun to chat about...right?
Where Can We Play Would You Rather?
If you are visiting relatives this Thanksgiving, bring along the game and it would make a fun addition to the Thanksgiving dinner table. Place a question on each plate and kick off the conversation around the table.
One of my favorite ways to use these would you rather games is in the lunch box. Cut out the question slips and add them to your child's lunch box. They make a cute surprise for kids and they can chat with their friends over lunch.
Are These Would You Rather Questions Good for Middle School?
Yep, Not only are these questions great for the dinner table, but teachers can use the questions for discussions in the classroom. These fall themed would you rather questions are fun for middle school kids, tweens, and even younger kids too. Add them to the classroom as a fun icebreaker for kids this autumn.
When do you play with your fall would you rather game? Do you use them to keep the kids entertained on those long Thanksgiving weekend road trips? Or, on the plane heading to Grandma's house? Share your ideas in the comments.
Looking for more fall fun?! Check out our fun fall this or that edition. Our fall this or that is a printable or Instagram template and you get to pick, choose and share with your friends.
More Would You Rather Questions
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