We will all be wearing extra sweaters tomorrow. This is my favourite sweater, my mom knit it for me around 30 years ago! I'm actually thinking about adding "National Sock Day" to the event. I'll be putting on a couple of pairs of socks for sure...my feet are always the coldest part of my body.
Currently, we keep our thermostat set at 21°C during the day...bare in mind I'm at home all day... and did I mention it is -10°C outside and snowing. For National Sweater Day we'll be dropping down to 19° C. I let my family know that in order to make this a true challenge, we are going to add a second day. Not only will we be wearing sweaters tomorrow, but we are going to do the same on Sunday. I chose a day when I knew we all would be home.
I realize that for some of you the sun is shining and temperatures are warm outside. I challenge you to switch things up. Turn your air conditioner up a degree and take off a sweater. Find fun ways to keep cool, just like we'll be finding ways to keep warm.
The real motivation behind National Sweater Day is energy conservation. Turning down thermostats isn't really the WWF's main goal. The goal is to start a conversation and get people thinking about ways that we can use less energy in our homes and in our communities. This is definitely something that we will be coming back to during our Family Eco-Challenge year. So, will you be adding an extra sweater to your outfit tomorrow?