When the sunshine of May and June hit our city, we know that the heat of July and August are quickly approaching. Really, June is turning into a month that is just as hot as July. With the heat comes the need to cool down. There are different things you can do to stay cool outside of your home, but what about inside your home? Here are some simple options that can have a huge impact on the internal temperature of you home.
Close the blinds
One day a friend of mine came over for a visit. All the blinds were closed in our house. She was wondering if something was wrong. Nope, I keep the blinds closed during the day, on hot days. It is surprising what a major impact this has. If you leave the house for the day, close the blinds...come home to a cooler house.
Use an exhaust fan when cooking or BBQ more often
This one is a no-brainer. If you are using the stove, switch on the exhaust fan and the heat will be sucked right out of your home. On those super hot days, why not BBQ everything. This can be a lot of fun...BBQ pizza anyone?
Dehumidifier - Keeping the dampness out of the air makes a home feel more comfortable...we all say "it's not the heat, it's the humidity!" So remove the humidity with a dehumidifier.
Set that thermostat - In the winter we say throw on a sweater to keep energy costs down - in the summer the opposite holds true. All the a/c units tax our energy infrastructure in the summer, so a programable thermostat is just as important in the summer as it is in the winter. There is no need to turn the house into a meat locker! Keep the thermostat set at a comfortable temperature (around 72F/21C). Take off that winter sweater, it's summertime!
Ceiling fans
We didn't fully appreciate ceiling fans until we moved into this house...what a difference. Our home has a ductless air conditioner, because we have radiant heating system, so it is important to get the cool air moving around the house. The only way to do this is with ceiling fans. The best part is that even on the hottest days, we can turn down the a/c in the evening and sleep with the aide of our fans.
A key to having ceiling fans is being sure to clean them in the spring. As you can imagine they sit idle all winter and dust accumulates on the blades. The worst thing you can do is switch them on, and spew dust all over your room...yuck! This is a simple way to clean a ceiling fan, without making a mess.
How to Clean a Ceiling Fan
You will need
pillow case
eco cleaner...vinegar & water
1. spray top of fan blades with cleaner
2. open pillow case and slip it over the fan blade
3. when the pillow case is on the fan blade, wipe the blade - the dust will remain inside the case
4. repeat with each blade of the fan
5. spray and dust the base of the fan
6. turn it on and feel the breeze
Plant a tree
Okay, for this one you have to think long term. Trees provide shade, not only outdoors - but indoors too. Talk with a rep from an organization like LEAF. LEAF is helping people across the GTA plant the appropriate trees and shrubs in their yards. Book an appointment and a LEAF staffer will come to your home, determine the best tree, they will bring the tree and plant the tree (costs vary for tree and planting).
Water, water, water
It doesn't matter if you are outdoors or indoors, keep the water flowing. Drink plenty of water...becoming dehydrated is a major risk in our hot summers.
Keep in touch
If you know someone who is elderly or who has a mobility issue, give them a call on those hot days. Simply reach out and contact someone - your phone call can help.
Get ready because the heat is coming! Next week we'll explore ways to stay cool outdoors...do you have any tips??