I can clearly remember my high school environmental studies teacher, Mr. Moon...could there be a better name. He looked like the stereotypical science-hippy type - bottle-cap glasses, casual khakis, untucked shortsleeve button down and well touseled hair. While I had joined his class because I had heard there would be field-trips, it was his passion that first sparked my inner tree-hugging instinct. Back in those days acid rain and the 3 R's were the hot topics. We picked garbage at the creek and studied water quality...how cool is that. Over the years I have tried to keep up the same level of enthusiasm for the planet. But it's really hard. After university is over the "real world" takes over....and consumption rises. While I always sorted my recyclables, I was unaware of the repercussions of the chemical packed soaps I was using to clean my body and my home.
It was when I was pregnant with my first daughter that I really started to think about how I was living. I think this is pretty common. Something about having a living, growing human being in your belly makes you enormously aware of what you are putting into your body. Seems logical.
8 years and two children later our life looks very different now. The chemicals are all but gone...and somehow we are still clean! So, how did we do it?
First let me say that I am not a scientist. I do not have a degree in microbiology. What I do have is experience, interest and passion. I have done a lot of trial and error in my home. This experience allows me to offer some tips on how to "green" your life. I would like to take you through these steps...along with some advice from actual experts...and show everyone how easy it is to live a little bit cleaner. How you use this information is up to you. I will admit upfront that I do not live a completely chemical-free life...just a chemical-less life then I did before.
Step 1: Observation
The first step is simple...observation. Take some time this week to read the labels on the items that you use in your day-to-day life. Most people know how to read the label on a box of cereal, but what about on the box of laundry detergent? Look at the products you are using to clean, primp and polish your body and your home. If they don't have ingredient lists...you might start to wonder why? I remember taking this first step when it was time to choose laundry detergent for my baby's clothing. I wondered why I would use a "baby" targeted brand? What was in the detergent that I was using for my clothing? Why was it so harsh? I don't work on a farm!
This week do a little investigating, take a few minutes to read the David Suzuki Foundation's list of the "Dirty Dozen Chemicals in Cosmetics". With this list in your hand examine your cleaners and cosmetics (hair care products, body lotion, make-up, etc, etc).
Perhaps at the end of the week you will see that your cupboards are filled with many "safe" products...awesome. On the other hand you may feel overwhelmed by the reality that your shelves are loaded with chemicals. Next week we will discuss what to do with this new found information.
On a side note the Toronto Community Garden Network is hosting "Seedy Sunday" throughout Toronto/Scarborough in February and March. These event will help you get a head start on the spring gardening season. I have never started my own seeds before. I wanted to give it a try this year..."Seedy Sundays" might be the place to start.
Karen says
Hey Jen
I really enjoyed this post...We all need to pay attention to what we are doing to the earth...
Thanks for sharing such awesome info...It's definitely made me stop and think...