I hate cancer. I try not to use the word "hate" too often. I teach my kids that "hate" is a powerful word, and should be used sparingly. However, my relationship with cancer has led me to say that I hate it! After learning recently that a dear friend of our family has been diagnosed my feelings have been reinforced. In looking at my variety of cancer resources, that I have unfortunately accumulated, I rediscovered a book that I really wanted to share with you. "Foods that Fight Cancer: Preventing Cancer Through Diet" by Dr. Richard Beliveau and Dr. Denis Gingas . My mother bought this book. She and I even went to see the author speak one evening. He signed the book and his inscription reads "To Gail, To your good health"...so much for those words. Anyhow, leafing through the book I was reminded of all the things that we can do to live a healthier life and work to prevent this disease. Now, don't get me wrong - I know the power of genetics and circumstance and luck - but I HAVE to believe in the personal power we each have. The power to help fight our genetics, change our circumstance and hope for good luck.
Dr. Beliveau is a professor in biochemistry and world leader in researching the connection between diet and cancer. Dr. Denis Gingras is a leading researcher in molecular medicine. According to Beliveau & Denis, studies show that 15% of cancers are caused by a hereditary link - while some 30% of cancers can be attributed to poor dietary habits. This text goes into the nity-grity of phytochemicals and the microscopic make up of cells - while it sounds complex, the book is written in a way that anyone can understand. Here is a list of the main cancer fighting foods identified in "Foods That Fight Cancer."
Inhibition of tumoral cell growth
green Tea
cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc)
garlic & onions
grapes and berries
citrus fruits
omega 3's (nuts, oils and seafood)
dark Chocolate
Reduction of carcinogenic potential
cruciferous vegetables
garlic & onions
grapes and berries
citrus fruits
Interference with angiogenesis
(process of blood vessel development from pre-existing vessels - angiogenesis inhibitors are used to try and stop the creation of blood vessels that feed cancerous tumours)
green tea
grapes and berries
omega 3's
Wondering about how much of these foods to eat each day? Here's a sample daily guide from the book...
brussel sprouts ½ cup
broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage ½ cup
garlic 2 cloves
onions, shallots ½ cup
spinach, watercress ½ cup
soy (edamame, soybeans) ½ cup
freshly ground flaxseed 1tbsp
tomato paste 1 tbsp
tumeric 1 tsp
black pepper ½ tsp
berries ½ cup
dried cranberries ½ cup
grapes ½ cup
dark chocolate 40grams
citrus fruit juice ½ cup
green tea 3 times 250ml
red wine 1 glass
This book contains much more information then I have presented here. If you are already eating these foods, then you are doing great things for your body. The link between diet and overall health is becoming clearer and clearer. If you are wondering if all of these foods need to be organic to be effective...nope. It is better to eat available and affordable inorganic fruits and vegetables then none at all. I know that in our house, my children eat like queens...mom and dad on the other hand often get the short end of the stick. This is my personal challenge. When the kids eat a piece of fruit - I have to as well. Being a little more conscious of the food we eat can have a major impact on our long-term health.
Rob Shirkey says
Great book recommendation. My doctor actually mentioned the same book last week. Diet is so important to health...