A couple of weeks ago we watched the movie Cars 2. Something about Mater's comment about his dents struck me. To paraphrase, he said that he didn't want to remove his dents because each dent reminded him of a moment in his life, when the dent was made. Hmm...interesting. Could this theory apply to my incoming grey hair?
Would you take a pill to prevent grey hair? L'oreal is researching the possibility of a pill that would prevent your hair from ever going grey. There is a lot of controversy around this idea and the implications for our general health. Imagine!?
ArtsyCraftsyMom says
🙂 I started graying really young.. maybe when I was 16 or so.. it runs in the family. I used heena (or mehendi) as we call it in India. and the grays turned deep red while the blacks turned a rich dark brown shine.. while this worked for lesser grays .. it doesn't work if the hair is light or there are a lot of grays. I have resorted to coloring them regularly as the comments that I started getting at office were too much to handle. It would be great if there was a better natural alternative.
1000+1 says
I don't like grey hair since they came earlier than they should! so occasionally (once a year) I go to a salon, other times I use henna at home. Summertime I let the sun do some work on my brown hair … but I won't consider any pills for sure.
Allie says
I dye mine out, but like the previous commenters I went gray early. I was in teachers college when I started dying my hair every 8 weeks. My gray is in clumps, it's not pretty. I'd love to have all gray hair one day though I think that is stunning.
Kristi@Creative Connections for Kids says
Hi Jen, I'm 47 now and I am starting to go gray. Seriously gray. I've decided to just let it go! I don't want to pay for color and I don't want the chemicals either. Now if I was seriously gray at 27 (I had a few stray grays then) I would have been much more likely to do highlights or color. I just happened to say to my daughters the other day...The gray is really coming in, should I color it? They both loudly stated a resounding 'NO!'. I just plan to try to keep the style up to date since that can age a person too. Other than that, I'm going to let it go!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Awesome Kristi - I agree the style of your hair can really age a person too. Thanks!
Anonymous says
I am doing the same thing. I am 46 and thought I was too young to have grey hair. But after a recent illness and realize what toxins I was putting in and on my body, I have decided it is not worth my health. Besides, I have earned each one and it is a reminder that like Mother Earth, we are all changing from time to time. They are who I am.
Jude says
I started to go grey at 18, and only last years, in my late 40's did I decide to stop. I'm so glad I did, because I actually look younger. I'm lucky in that I've gone all over silver grey, and with a modern haircut, and up to date clothes, it isn't ageing at all. It's completely a state of mind. There is no issue about younger men going grey, but a whole set of double standards when it comes to women. If fewer women felt obliged to colour their grey, attitudes might change.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks Jude, I totally agree about the grey hair double standard that exists. Time to turn the tide! Thanks for stopping by.
Jenn O'Reilly says
Yep, I'm one of those blessed that started going gray in my teens as well and I've been colouring my hair for at least the last ten years, save for when I was pregnant with my kids. I hate it, it's inconvenient, and it costs a lot; however I'm 31 years old and I feel cheated and as soon as I see those roots coming in my self perception changes. I hate it, I'm a slave but I've accepted that, nothing left to do.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
I hear ya. Going grey in your teens must have been a tough one. We all do what we have to do. Thanks for stopping by.