Alice in Wonderland and the detective went out last night and trick or treated their way around our neighbourhood. You might remember my girls planning out their costumes in a pervious post. The detective costume came together quickly after I found that outrageous trench coat and hat. The Alice costume was made with much love and much frustration. My daughter learned the fine art of ripping out stitches...a valuable lesson. The bottom line was they loved them - mission accomplished.

Does the Halloween Witch come to your house? The wicked witch visits our house one week after Halloween and takes all the candy that hasn't been eaten! That gives the kids one week of insane treat eating and then...done. Are my kids buying this folk tale I've been telling them for the last few years? (since they started trick or treating) Nope. But, I must say it did work in the past. Pouf, the candy would simply disappear.
Let's face it we do bring home too much candy. I would love to add up the calories and sugar content of all these treats. Actually, I don't even want to know. Looking at our mountain of chocolate, chips, licorice, gummies, etc, etc I just want it to go away. But how?
Since the Halloween Witch no longer works in our house, I have come up with a few other options.
Chocolate for chocolate's sake
Sort out all plain chocolate bars. Place them in a freezer bag and pop them in the freezer. These little chocolate bars can be used in holiday baking. Melt it down to drizzle on top of cookies or chop it up and add it to a cookie. This eliminates half of the chocolate bars in your pile and saves you time and money!
Gummies in the freezer too
Pack gummy candies in the freezer too. They actually freeze well and the fact that they are frozen will slow down your (I mean your kid's) ability to eat them quickly.
Take a treat to work
Grab a bag full of treats and a bowl and head to the office. Place a bowl of treats in a central location and share away. A little bit in everyone's belly is better than all of it in your belly!
Trash to treasure
Keep those wrappers and reuse them to create these amazing pieces...
These are the ways I attempt to lessen the consumption of candy post-Halloween. We still have a bowl full of treats sitting out for everyone to munch away at. Now that the Halloween Witch no longer visits our house these tactics seem to work for our crew. What do you do in your house to deal with all the candy?
Mama Pea Pod says
Haha, clever mom! As a kid I was never a big candy eater and I had to be threatened at Easter that there'd be no Easter chocolate until the Halloween candy was gone! haha
Since Halloween isn't celebrated here outside of the expat community, Princess Pea divides her candy into equal piles and gives a pile to each of her friends. Instantly reduces the amount of candy to 1/5!
Only problem is there's not enough left for me to pick through it! heehee (fortunately Sweet Pea is too young to eat any, so I get hers!)
ps - the costumes turned out great!