Happy Blogiversary to me! Yep, it has been 2 years since I first put finger to keyboard at Kitchen Counter Chronicles. Wowza. I have written and published 472 posts over 2 years. I don't think I realized 2 years ago that I would enjoy sitting and writing as much as I do. Not to mention all the time I have spent playing, baking, cooking, crafting, reading and creating with my girls. Phew!
So, when I was trying to decide what would make a great image for this anniversary post I landed on chocolate chips and flour. Ask my kids, we bake a lot of chocolate chip cookies (and banana muffins). I think chocolate chip cookies could be a food group in our house. It only seemed fitting to share this anniversary with them.
Man, oh man, I have learned a lot over these 2 years. Yes, there are the numerous activities that I have learned about...but I have learned a lot about myself too. It takes quite a lot of work to run one of these "blog-things". I have learned all about photo editing, seo, html, css and a whole slew of acronyms that I really need to learn more about. I have learned that I really enjoy investigating stuff, and then writing about what I find out. I always knew I was pretty good at sharing, but now I see that I truly love sharing with others. Sharing is so important in life.
One of the most important things I have learned is that even though I sit alone in my dining room writing this post, I am not alone. Like most things in life, community is so important. I would be floating around in the internet abyss if it wasn't for the friends I have "met" online. There is this incredible group of mothers, teachers, sisters, friends (and a father that) I connect with almost every single day. They provide guidance, inspiration and support when anyone in the network needs it. I really cannot stress enough the importance of community. I hope everyone can find a supportive community in their life. (Please check out all the inspiring blogs in the Kid Blogger Network on our Pinterest board)
I also have learned about the connection that can be made with readers. Yep, you who read this have a daily impact on me. Whether you read, or don't, whether you comment, or don't....everything matters to me. You don't have to say a word, I know you are out there. You are part of my community and I appreciate you visiting our world more than you know.
Finally, the last two years have seen so many changes in my family. We've lived through births, birthdays, new puppies and the heartache of death. That's life, right? Highs, lows and the little bits in between. My dear husband has been so incredibly supportive. He understands how important this place is to me. He reads my blog every single day...how supportive is that?! My girls have grow A LOT. Two years ago I was playing with a 4 year old and a 7 year old. Today I am amazed to see an almost 7 year old and 9 year old looking back me. I think the years ahead are going to be very interesting. I'm going to need all the support I can get as we cruise into the pre-teen and teen years. Help!
So, I'm off now to bake up some chocolate chip cookies...I've got flour and chips all over my counter. Today will progress much like every other day has in the last 2 years. Music, laughter, food, homework, a few tears, swim lessons, reading books, writing, bedtime.
Thanks again to everyone who has had a hand in these last 2 years (I feel like this is my Oscar acceptance speech). As I strive to feel and express more gratitude in my life, why not pour on the thanks on a day like today. There won't be another 2 year blogiversary ever again...nope, we only go up from here.
Looking for more ways to connect with your kids, why not follow Kitchen Counter Chronicles on Facebook, Pinterest, Google + and Twitter.
Cathy @ Nurturestore says
Happy anniversary! Thank you for sharing your inspiring ideas with us and being such a lovely member of our community. I like the look of those chocolate chips!
Rebekah says
Happy Anniversary!! So glad to have gotten to know you better, and thank you for sharing your stories and ideas with us through your blog. To another year of blogging and friendships!
Christie-Childhood 101 says
Congratulations on turning 2! My blog is like my other child in many ways 🙂 I hope you blog continues to provide you with both joy and support as you journey into the tween/teen years