So, how do we properly celebrate Eric Carle's birthday? Well, we re-read a few books and watched the videos that showed Carle creating the artwork for the Mister Seahorse book.

Make an Eric Carle Art Birthday Card
You will need
white tissue paper
card stock
glue stick
1. Dispense paint into a small bowl and add a little water to make it "runny"
2. Brush the loose paint onto sheets of white tissue paper
3. Allow tissue paper to dry and work on another piece and a different colour
5. Glue the pieces you cut out onto a piece of card stock
6. Add any extra details with crayons or pencil crayons
My daughter was very pleased with how her cards turned out. So happy in fact, that we even popped one in the mail and sent it off to the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, in Massachusetts. The museum looks amazing. We have already added it to our Summer Bucket List for 2013!
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas says
what a fabulous activity! It turned out so beautifully 🙂
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks so much!