We head off to New York City next week and when we get home there are only a couple of days before school starts. So, while I am busy packing and getting ready for our trip, I am also getting ready for back to school. One thing that I have been working on is creating a kids' emergency contact card for my daughters to have on our trip and in their school backpacks.

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While we have had many discussions with our girls about traveling in a strange city, the reality is that kids can become separated from their parents. Kids can get lost. In order to be prepared I made these handy printable cards to place in my daughters' back pockets...in everything they wear while we are away.

Emergency Contact Cards for Kids
our emergency contact card for home
our emergency contact card for travel
safety pins
Kid Emergency Contact Cards for Travel or Camp
First up is our emergency contact card for when we travel. This card includes their name and our phone number. It also includes the name of the hotel or information about where we are staying. Kids are great at remembering their home address, but what about when you are in a strange city? It is handy for them to have the name and number of the hotel where you are staying.
Simply print the cards, I prefer printing ours on card stock. So they are a little more durable. You can even laminate the cards, either with a home laminator or take them to a copy store and have them laminated there.
Once the cards are printed, you will want to find a way to secure them to your child. Tuck them in your kid's jacket pocket, safety pin them inside their backpack, or bag or simply slip them inside your kid's back pocket.
Kid Emergency Contact Card for School
Next up is our emergency contact card for school. This card has space for parents to add the child's name, address, parent's phone number, and any other important information. Again, while some kids are great at remembering their parent's phone number in a stressful situation you never know what they may or may not remember. These are great pinned inside your child's backpack.
Be sure to not pin this card on the outside of your child's clothing...that will provide your child's name to every stranger who walks by.
Be sure to explain to your child what you have put on the card. If your child becomes separated from you, they can approach a police officer, a security guard, or a responsible adult and pass the card to that adult. For instance, if we are in a museum and my daughter becomes separated she can locate a staff person and hand this card to that person. Even though my daughter is 10 years old, in this circumstance kids are often frightened and can forget information that under normal circumstances they know.
We are huge believers in being prepared. I will be printing these cards and stuffing them into my girls' pockets as I pack the suitcase. Chances are they will never need to use them. We'll come home in a week and I'll pull them all out of their pockets before I throw the clothes in the wash. I look forward to recycling those little and important pieces of paper.
What safety precautions do you take when you travel? Any tips to share?
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