Ever wondered what is going on in your neighbours kitchen? Each Friday I will post the answers to the following 5 questions. I'll ask an amazing person each week to take a moment to introduce themselves and provide a quick glimpse into their lives. Hopefully we will learn a little more about how incredibly similar we all really are. This first week I have decided to take the quiz...you could be next!
Question 1: Tell me 3 things about yourself.
Answer: I have been a stay-at-home mom for 7 years. Both my brother and sister live within 5 minutes, walking, from my house. My life hasn't been the same since my mom was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in 2006 (she has since passed away).
Q2: Are you for, or against, small appliances being kept on the kitchen counter?
A: I think the counter should be kept as clear as possible...however, I know for convenience it is easiest to keep some appliances on the counter. For instance, my KitchenAid stand mixer weighs about 20lbs and I don't think I could handle lugging it in and out of the cabinet every time I want to use it. While my toaster, on the other hand, is kept in a lower cabinet and brought out when needed.
Q3: Name 5 things that are on your kitchen counter right now.
A: 1...tray holding butter dish, garlic and wine bottle
2...bowl with (spoiled) bananas
3...internet radio (we LOVE)
4...hedgehog my daughter crafted out of "Presto Dots"
5...afore mentioned KitchenAid stand mixer (I LOVE)
Q4: Name 1 thing that you would like to change about your kitchen counter?
A: Not much, at the moment I am loving my kitchen counter. I guess I would remove the chip that "someone" made in it last weekend.
Q4: What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
A: My favourite thing to do on my kitchen counter is prep weekend dinners. This past weekend my husband and I prepared all the ingredients for a scrumptious pizza dinner, whilst listening to Italian folk music - from a radio station in Italy (LOVE internet radio). Dancing around the kitchen while the accordion plays is awesome.
Have a great weekend...we are off to the school's movie night tonight...see you Monday!