Picture it...high school...grade nine...me working at McDonald's along side my two best friends, Wendy and Vanessa. My sole motivation for working there was to go to the winter formal! Socializing really was top priority. The added benefit of the job was that we had a blast...making hilarious memories, with great people. After I was fired (yes, fired from McDonald's) high school rolled on. Over the years we lost touch with Wendy....where did she go? Enter Facebook (I swear I am their ideal client) and the chance to catch up with a best friend I haven't seen in over 15 years!!
So, where is Wendy now? Well, she's working at two careers and raising 3 kids! These days Wendy is head-over-heals loving Epicure Selections...where she is a fast rising star. Let's see how she's cookin' in the kitchen.
Q: Tell me 3 thing about yourself.
- I'm a mother of 3 beautiful children who range in age from 6-14yrs, so life is always fun as we deal with girlfriends and acne, as well as show and tell days and pizza lunches!!
- I work as a nurse educator by day, Epicure consultant by night, but looking to change that very soon. I have been fortunate enough to build my Epicure business immensely this past year so I am aiming to go part time at the College in the next 6 months.
- I love to eat, but hate when I gain weight...it is a vicious cycle
Q: Are you for, or against, small appliances on the kitchen counter?
I would love to have an empty counter top, but given the size of my kitchen it just isn't possible. It would probably also create a major fight between me and my husband who always takes practicality over aesthetics.
Q: Name 5 things that are on your kitchen counter right now.
- coffee maker, 4 slice toaster (had to upgrade as we added more kids), knife block with knives, probably clean dishes drying in a rack, and a blender (or as I call it - the daiquiri maker)
Q: What, if anything, what would you change about your kitchen counter?
The counter, actually the entire kitchen!! It is an older house, and we have painted the cabinets, but they need replacing. It is on the list, but below a ton of other things.
Q: What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
Is this a trick question?? I would have to say baking...I do enjoy cooking, but baking is my passion and weakness. Or prepping for my Epicure tasting parties...I love bringing these fantastic healthy spices into other people's homes!!
Thanks Wendy. Ahh, this post has me dreaming of getting out the ol' daiquiri maker...summer can't come soon enough! It also leaves me feeling mildly stressed about dealing with acne and girlfriends! Yikes! I guess that is where the daiquiri maker kicks in!?! Always great to see another mom who is striving to find satisfaction in what she does for a "living" - no matter what form that might take. If you are looking for ways to spice up your life...specifically your cooking...have a look at Wendy's Epicure page for all the delicious product information.
Congratulations to those of you with kiddies out there...you survived March break!! Easter here we come! Have a great weekend.