Thank you Chrissy! Very impressive Halloween decorating! Love the enthusiasm. I totally remember the Meyers-Briggs personality test...I so tried to cheat too! I think I'm a ISFJ...oh, how I wanted to be an extrovert. I also had a mom who made my costumes, some more successful than others. I'm sure your daughter will be the best little ghost in town. Please be sure to stop by TheOutlawMom to see some of the amazingly crafty things Chrissy has been up to lately.
I suppose what I really love about Halloween is how it has remained a holiday that kids of all ages can enjoy. While some houses do get a little too scary, for my liking, in general it is just a fun filled family holiday.
Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be spending my weekend sitting at the sewing machine...feverishly working on finishing my daughter's costume. What can I say I'm a glutton for punishment!?
The Outlaw Mom says
Can't wait to see your daughter's costume! So jealous that you can actually sew. That's on my bucket list. Thanks so much for the feature and have a FANTASTIC Halloween weekend!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks for taking part! The costume is done..pictures to follow.