A few months ago I was looking for a new creative outlet. Something that could use my limited crafting abilities. When what should appear on facebook, but a post by a friend about wool roving. I wasn't sure what "wool roving" was all about, but I knew it was used in needle felting...and I knew I wanted to give that a try. A few emails back and forth later and I was the proud owner of a shopping bag filled with hand dyed wool roving. This might not seem like much. But this wool roving came from a friend of mine who was a mom of two kids and over 8 months pregnant with her third! In fact if memory serves, the wool was delivered to me in the schoolyard on her due date! Well, Laura's single facebook message inspired me to take the plunge...try something new. I am so glad I went with my gut and gave needle felting a try. The needle felting led me to writing this blog...which has now led me to featuring my friend Laura in today's Kitchen Counter Confidential. Let's see what's happening in her busy kitchen these days.
Q: Tell me 3 things about yourself.
- I masquerade as a Canadian, but am actually an ex-pat from South Carolina. (I secretly pronounce orange "arrr-inge".)
- I am busy caring for three children under seven, which means that I've been either pregnant or nursing (or both) since January of 2004.
- In my spare time, I needle felt (etsy shop: PickleSeed) and I am learning Swedish.
Q: Are you for, or against, small appliances on the kitchen counter?
I'm for it, especially on rotation if space is an issue. I find that whatever is visible gets used. If I stash my juicer in the cabinet, I'm a lot less likely to make juice.
Q: Name 5 things that are on your kitchen counter right now.
- electric kettle - I love these! We only had stovetop ones growing up, but I'm a total convert now.
- spice caddy - I picked the most used spices out of the cabinet and keep them in a small caddy next to the stove. Big time saver!
- green bin - we compost in Toronto, and Natura makes a fantastic organics container with a charcoal filter.
- four tiny plotted plants - plants make everything feel alive.
- iPod docking station - when this disappears from the kitchen, Mama gets grumpy. I need CBC radio in the morning and my playlist (lately Yo La Tengo, Peirson Ross and Cee Lo) in the afternoon).
Q: Name 1 thing that you would change about your kitchen.
The kitchen is a bit cramped, so I'd add another twelve inches, or so, of counter space. (Of course, I mean 30 centimeters.)
Q: What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
If I can manage to stay up past 8:30, I love making two nighttime cups of tea. The house is quiet, and I have a chance to reconnect with my partner over some of Yogi's licorice mint. (I was going to make a terribly inappropriate cocaine-related joke, but I restrained myself. See? Becoming more Canadian all the time.)
Thanks for the wool Laura...and the fabulous answers! From Laura's answers you can probably tell that she's super creative, artistic and has got a great sense of humour. Well, it really is true that people from all over the world make their homes in Toronto. Thank goodness...otherwise life would be so boring. Also, I have to say I am seeing a lot of juicers on people's counters. Mine's in the basement...in it's box...never been opened. I think I know what we will be doing this weekend...making juice!
Have a great weekend everyone!