Tell me 3 things about yourself
- I was adopted at 3 months old. Growing up I used to always tell my brothers "at lease mom and dad go to choose me!" when we got into fights and had our little disagreements.
- I would love to buy a hobby farm where I can have animals that could be used for animal assisted therapy for those that would benefit.
- kitchen aid mixer
- toaster oven
- coffee maker (absolute necessity!)
- a stack of magazines that I NEED to go through
- my son's Nintendo 3DS
If you can, join an autism organization or support group, to be able to share your experiences with other parents in the same position. I have met wonderful people through groups that I have joined, and it's great to be able to talk to people who understand what you are going through.
Lastly, for me, I would say, keep your sense of humour. If you don't laugh, life will be a whole lot harder. I try to live by the motto, "live, love, laugh"...laughter is the best medicine and above all, it's FREE!
Caffeine and chocolate! LOL!Seriously though, I believe that a person is as strong as their situation needs them to be. I would have never thought that I would have been able to do what is needed each day, but out of necessity, and love...I just do it! As a mom though, you have to take some "me" time each day. If you don't you are going to burn out quickly. Too often moms put everyone else's needs before their own, but you can't forget about yourself!
Thanks for letting us peak inside your kitchen! I love coming across, meeting and introducing these amazing women to all of you. What a wonderful perspective on life. I know that all of their days are not easy, but it is clear to see the love and support that this family has for each other. And I love the line that laughter is the best medicine and it's free! Please pop over to Mom-ology and take a look around, and if you are interested in more information on Karate and Autism head over to her sister site autism karate.
Jennifer Cluff says
thanks so much for doing this jen! everything helps with autism awareness... i am thrilled that you found my page - look forward to reading kitchen counter chronicle and checking out who you feature each friday!
happy friday
Deborah@Teach Preschool says
Very nice interview...fantastic questions and beautiful answers:) Great job raising awareness!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks Deborah. Glad you stopped by.
Rebekah says
Great interview. And great to meet you, Jenn.
Tracy @ usingtimewisely.com says
Blue counters . . . I can see the difficulty in decor. My first apartment had a pink oven - Mary Kay pink. It didn't bother me, but then again, I was only renting at the time. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Jen.